FFmpeg fails due to:
when called with:
Seems like the OS is not configured to support utf-8 characters. (probably uses some local config)
about whe ffmpeg is used:
I'll do some testing whether MP4Box nowadays can handle these.
-> Set a fixed output folder which only uses ascii-characters (Config->Paths) before extracting the subtitles and creating the job.
Cu Selur
Ps.: seems like MP4Box can handle eac3 nowdays, but not sure whether mp4box will work with the folder name.
PPs.: moved the thread from the German to the English support section.
Error opening input file D:\动漫\bluey\Bluey.S01E01_0_en.ttxt.
Error opening input files: Invalid data found when processing input
ffmpeg -y -r 24000/1001 -i "D:\动漫\bluey\2024-02-04@13_54_56_6310__10.mkv" -i "D:\动漫\bluey\Bluey.S01E01_0_en.ttxt" -i "D:\动漫\bluey\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_2024-02-04@13_54_56_6310_02.eac3" -metadata:s:s:1 language="eng" -metadata encoding_tool="Hybrid 2024.01.12.1" -c:v copy -c:1 copy -c:2 copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -map 2:0 -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -vtag avc1 -aspect 1920:1080 -r 24000/1001 "D:\动漫\bluey\Bluey.S01E01.mp4"
about whe ffmpeg is used:
using FFmpeg as muxer due to eac3 audio
-> Set a fixed output folder which only uses ascii-characters (Config->Paths) before extracting the subtitles and creating the job.
Cu Selur
Ps.: seems like MP4Box can handle eac3 nowdays, but not sure whether mp4box will work with the folder name.
PPs.: moved the thread from the German to the English support section.