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QTGMC Very Slow is not deinterlacing files
Running Version 2024-04-06 1

I created a small interlaced source file FFV1 BFF
Everything is at default except as noted below.

Loaded source file into Hybrid
Set defaut container to mkv
Set Video to FFV1
Set Audio to Passthrough all
Set file name to Short QTGMC very slow.mkv

Set FFV1 to Version 3, Color space to i422

Left Filtering at default QTGMC (Vapoursynth)
Set Preset to Very Slow
Set Overwrite input scan type to : bottom field first.

Ran the job
the output was not de-interlaced.
Running with Preset at either Slower, or Medium did de-interlace the file.

The debug, source, and output files are in a google drive directory

Hybrid debug info

I hope I got this right, I have been having problems with attachments on your message board.

Thanks, Peter

Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.

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QTGMC Very Slow is not deinterlacing files - by pgrondin - 15.04.2024, 20:37

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