01.05.2024, 08:48
Hi Selur! Long time no talk
I know... I wait SO long between times coming here, each time I have to re-register.
I've been doing a lot of searching on different forums and I can't quite get a full understanding of the tone mapping used. I don't know if Hybrid does this (it probably does
) but, currently I am using Clever FFmpeg GUI and the results seem to be pretty good in converting 4k HDR movies to 1080 SDR Blu-rays. But, I'm curious about the settings. I don't know if you are familiar with the program, but he apparently suggests to set it to the 'Mobius' tone mapping and a desaturation of -2. I don't understand the differences using the different methods. I know you can also choose Reinhard or Hable to use or Morbius as he has suggested.
If you get a moment, would you mind please explaining what the differences are between these tone mapping filters and which you think does the best job is retaining the detail and colours when converting from HDR to SDR?
I would really LOVE to understand this better and find out what you think is the best way to do this. Using the Clever FFmpeg GUI is super easy, but I don't understand why he recommends using the Mobius when I THINK I read that the Reinhard preserves more detail, but I honestly don't know anything about it.
May I ask, please, what you would suggest I use to do this? Do you think it is okay to use this program I've been using and should I just keep using the settings he suggested? Or, do you think I should do this another way, perhaps using Hybrid, IDK...
I really appreciate whatever understanding or advice you could give me.
Thank you Selur!

I've been doing a lot of searching on different forums and I can't quite get a full understanding of the tone mapping used. I don't know if Hybrid does this (it probably does

If you get a moment, would you mind please explaining what the differences are between these tone mapping filters and which you think does the best job is retaining the detail and colours when converting from HDR to SDR?
I would really LOVE to understand this better and find out what you think is the best way to do this. Using the Clever FFmpeg GUI is super easy, but I don't understand why he recommends using the Mobius when I THINK I read that the Reinhard preserves more detail, but I honestly don't know anything about it.
May I ask, please, what you would suggest I use to do this? Do you think it is okay to use this program I've been using and should I just keep using the settings he suggested? Or, do you think I should do this another way, perhaps using Hybrid, IDK...
I really appreciate whatever understanding or advice you could give me.
Thank you Selur!