Looked at the crop detect and Hybrid properly uses:
to detect the crop values, but FFmpeg always reports that there is no cropping.
For a 720x480 Avisynth source ffmpeg will report something like:
When using '-vf cropdetect' instead of '-vf cropdetect=24:2', thus not limiting the black color detection or the mod, it seems to work and ffmpeg reports:
-> will adjust Hybrid in next dev
Cu Selur
ffmpeg -i "PATH TO avs" -vf cropdetect=24:2 -f null NUL
For a 720x480 Avisynth source ffmpeg will report something like:
[Parsed_cropdetect_0 @ 0000026d6fa61c80] x1:0 x2:719 y1:0 y2:479 w:720 h:480 x:0 y:0 pts:2 t:0.066733 limit:24.000000 crop=720:480:0:0
[Parsed_cropdetect_0 @ 000002a154381c80] x1:4 x2:715 y1:0 y2:479 w:704 h:480 x:8 y:0 pts:2 t:0.066733 limit:0.094118 crop=704:480:8:0
- the crop on Avisynth scripts should work now.
- Color matrix detection of Avisynth input is not possible, since Avisynth doesn't have an interface to check the color matrix. You need to overwrite the input color matrix if the resolution based guess doesn't help.
- Would need a proper Avisynth script (which does not rely on autoloading) and files as sample to see if there is an issue with the Avisynth processing.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.