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I found a bug in which Hybrid sometimes select the wrong language for remux into mkv container, however I selected the preferred one in Hybrid.
I am quite sure that the problem only occurs by sources with thd streams. Try to find an other one (which wasn't corrected manually by using tsMuxer) and report a DebugOutput.
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No debug output, no details, no chance I can reproduce that.
-> will look at it in case you find a reproducible problem
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
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(28.06.2017, 17:22)Selur Wrote: No debug output, no details, no chance I can reproduce that.
-> will look at it in case you find a reproducible problem
Please find as an attachement the required DebugOutput.
Hungarian language has been selected. Hybrid remuxed an other one into the final mkv container (czech/roman I do not exactly because I do not speak that language).
I have to correct it using tsMuxer and mkvtoolnix.
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According to the debug output audio streams 4356 (hun) was selected and Hybrid uses ffmpeg with:
"C:\PROGRA~1\Hybrid\ffmpeg.exe" -y -threads 12 -analyzeduration 100M -probesize 100M -i bluray:"D:\BD-50\2D\300\300" -playlist 4 -angle 0 -map 0:5 -vn -sn -acodec copy -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2017.06.11.1" "C:\Users\MATYK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\iId_2_aid_4356_lang_hun_09_18_05_7510_01.ac3"
seems like there is a mapping mismatch since for ffmpeg 4365 should be stream 6:
Stream #0:6[0x1104]: Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 448 kb/s
Hybrid properly matches FFmpeg id 6 to MediaInfo Audio #5.
Looking at the audio queue entry:
D:\BD-50\2D\300\300\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00004.mpls;4356;ac3;6;passthrough;448;;;48000;;hun;0;6998.783;ac3;4;5;don't change;;false;;false;10;false;;;;true;false;;;false;48000;unknown;ac-3;;false;true;false;3/2/0.1;1/1;;;;;None;;;;;;16;;;ac3;false;2;;;;;;;;;;;4356;6;false;D:\BD-50\2D\300\300\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00004.mpls;true;false;;
Problem seems to be the mapping between the tsMuxer and the ffmpeg indices,..
Seeing that all your troubles with Blu-ray support, I more and more think I should disable the Blu-ray input support for future versions. Seems to much trouble to fix all those problems. Since fixing those issues without having the source files is a pain.
=> does it work if you don't use ffmpeg but tsMuxeR in Hybrid?
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 64
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Joined: Jun 2017
(30.06.2017, 22:16)Selur Wrote: According to the debug output audio streams 4356 (hun) was selected and Hybrid uses ffmpeg with:
"C:\PROGRA~1\Hybrid\ffmpeg.exe" -y -threads 12 -analyzeduration 100M -probesize 100M -i bluray:"D:\BD-50\2D\300\300" -playlist 4 -angle 0 -map 0:5 -vn -sn -acodec copy -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2017.06.11.1" "C:\Users\MATYK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\iId_2_aid_4356_lang_hun_09_18_05_7510_01.ac3"
seems like there is a mapping mismatch since for ffmpeg 4365 should be stream 6:
Stream #0:6[0x1104]: Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 448 kb/s
Hybrid properly matches FFmpeg id 6 to MediaInfo Audio #5.
Looking at the audio queue entry:
D:\BD-50\2D\300\300\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00004.mpls;4356;ac3;6;passthrough;448;;;48000;;hun;0;6998.783;ac3;4;5;don't change;;false;;false;10;false;;;;true;false;;;false;48000;unknown;ac-3;;false;true;false;3/2/0.1;1/1;;;;;None;;;;;;16;;;ac3;false;2;;;;;;;;;;;4356;6;false;D:\BD-50\2D\300\300\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00004.mpls;true;false;;
Problem seems to be the mapping between the tsMuxer and the ffmpeg indices,..
Seeing that all your troubles with Blu-ray support, I more and more think I should disable the Blu-ray input support for future versions. Seems to much trouble to fix all those problems. Since fixing those issues without having the source files is a pain.
=> does it work if you don't use ffmpeg but tsMuxeR in Hybrid?
I have hundreds of BD-s and around 60 pcs of 3D BD-s for testing. I can provide them for you if you wish, just find out the way. I do not understand why you ever want to disable the main function of Hybrid. That would force me to either convert my BD-S to mkv first or to use an other program for encoding...Unfortunately, all I can do is to support you ceding your time, efforts on Hybrid, but that's all besides making DebugOutputs for you.
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I think about removing the DVD and Blu-ray support since:
a. it's a pain to synchronize the indexes of MediaInfo, ffmpeg, mplayer and tsMuxeR to get the right information about a file
b. debugging is a pain since I describing normal users how to create a small sample isn't that easy (in your case I would need the complete BD structure + samples of each m2ts file to properly debug the input and verify that the stream selection is proper)
c. it's tiring to adjust each time to changes in MakeMKV or similar tools that remove a copy protection.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 64
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Joined: Jun 2017
(01.07.2017, 08:08)Selur Wrote: I think about removing the DVD and Blu-ray support since:
a. it's a pain to synchronize the indexes of MediaInfo, ffmpeg, mplayer and tsMuxeR to get the right information about a file
b. debugging is a pain since I describing normal users how to create a small sample isn't that easy (in your case I would need the complete BD structure + samples of each m2ts file to properly debug the input and verify that the stream selection is proper)
c. it's tiring to adjust each time to changes in MakeMKV or similar tools that remove a copy protection.
Cu Selur
In that case (without DVD and Blu-ray support) what could be the input? Only common container files such as avi, mkv etc.?
The author of my other program had to buy hundreds of BD-s and DVD-s to check by himself the bugs they caused in the program. After years of debugging, the program seems to be stable now on a user level. I know, it is pain to buy BD-s and DVD-s just because of debugging purposes.
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Problem is that: - tsMuxeR is a dead project which hasn't got an update for years (so Blu-ray handling using tsMuxeR isn't that reliable)
- MPlayer is a dead project which hasn't got an update for years (so DVD and Blu-ray handling using mplayer isn't that reliable)
- Neither the Avisynth nor the Vapoursynth authors really care about properly handling DVD&Blu-ray sources
- libbluray which MPlayer, tsMuxeR, mpv rely on to handle Blu-ray input is more times broken than usable
- Especially Blu-ray handling is a pain, since there are more and more titles with someway or the other messed up stuff,.. tons of mislabled or dummy content etc.
Also just once buying a tons of DVDs and Blu-rays isn't enough and since in Germany circumventing a copy protection, even for personal use isn't allowed the whole thin just gets messier and messier. (which is why Hybrid can't decrypt anything  )
The main point is that I spend more time adding workarounds for somehow messed up DVDs and Blu-rays instead of changing stuff and adding features.
-> All in all don't be surprised when DVD and Blu-ray support goes out the window at the end of the year (or earlier).
Since I personally rarely buy any discs any more and more and more projects which can be used cross-platform, that support DVD/Blu-ray, simply die out.
Remember I write Hybrid in my free time.
After a 11hrs work day (8 1/2 hrs at work 2 1/2 hrs to get there and back) plus generally at least 1 hour answering emails and post here and in other forums about Hybrid. 
(kind of begging for a debug output and details gets more and more annoying)
On the weekend I normally:
a. build all the tools Hybrid uses and check that they are still compatible
b. fix existing bugs I couldn't get fixed during the week
c. test potential new stuff
d. try to clean-up the existing source code (~180k lines of code)
-> I'm happy that the author of your other program had the time and money to buy and try hundreds of BDs and DVDs I don't.
The main goal for Hybrid is and was for me to have a tool I can use on Mac/Windows/Linux and do some video encoding and light filtering.
Cu Selur
Dev versions are in the 'experimental'-folder of my GoogleDrive, which is linked on the download page.
Posts: 64
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Joined: Jun 2017
(01.07.2017, 13:51)Selur Wrote: Problem is that:- tsMuxeR is a dead project which hasn't got an update for years (so Blu-ray handling using tsMuxeR isn't that reliable)
- MPlayer is a dead project which hasn't got an update for years (so DVD and Blu-ray handling using mplayer isn't that reliable)
- Neither the Avisynth nor the Vapoursynth authors really care about properly handling DVD&Blu-ray sources
- libbluray which MPlayer, tsMuxeR, mpv rely on to handle Blu-ray input is more times broken than usable
- Especially Blu-ray handling is a pain, since there are more and more titles with someway or the other messed up stuff,.. tons of mislabled or dummy content etc.
Also just once buying a tons of DVDs and Blu-rays isn't enough and since in Germany circumventing a copy protection, even for personal use isn't allowed the whole thin just gets messier and messier. (which is why Hybrid can't decrypt anything )
The main point is that I spend more time adding workarounds for somehow messed up DVDs and Blu-rays instead of changing stuff and adding features.
-> All in all don't be surprised when DVD and Blu-ray support goes out the window at the end of the year (or earlier).
Since I personally rarely buy any discs any more and more and more projects which can be used cross-platform, that support DVD/Blu-ray, simply die out.
Remember I write Hybrid in my free time.
After a 11hrs work day (8 1/2 hrs at work 2 1/2 hrs to get there and back) plus generally at least 1 hour answering emails and post here and in other forums about Hybrid. 
(kind of begging for a debug output and details gets more and more annoying)
On the weekend I normally:
a. build all the tools Hybrid uses and check that they are still compatible
b. fix existing bugs I couldn't get fixed during the week
c. test potential new stuff
d. try to clean-up the existing source code (~180k lines of code)
-> I'm happy that the author of your other program had the time and money to buy and try hundreds of BDs and DVDs I don't. 
The main goal for Hybrid is and was for me to have a tool I can use on Mac/Windows/Linux and do some video encoding and light filtering.
Cu Selur
One part of main problem is (after evaluating your donation list) very few people think that they have to support the author of such good, currently free complex programs like Hybrid, BD-RB etc. And why they should donate a free program? Because they use it frequently to obtain their purposes. And to maintain, develop a software requires a lot of time, effort and money. People like you, me, and those who support Hybrid at least with just a few bucks per year "suffer" from the others (who come to the most part of users).
This is the real World unfortunately, I experienced it everywhere. Only a few people have to suffer from the others. From this respect I completely understand your arguments above.
The same problem was with the other software I am using, no one who used the software felt they should support the author even with a few bucks, and that is why I had to wait years for a development in software (the author is totally unmotivated to make improvements in a fast way or at all).
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Joined: Jun 2017
(30.06.2017, 23:34)mparade Wrote: (30.06.2017, 22:16)Selur Wrote: According to the debug output audio streams 4356 (hun) was selected and Hybrid uses ffmpeg with:
"C:\PROGRA~1\Hybrid\ffmpeg.exe" -y -threads 12 -analyzeduration 100M -probesize 100M -i bluray:"D:\BD-50\2D\300\300" -playlist 4 -angle 0 -map 0:5 -vn -sn -acodec copy -map_metadata -1 -metadata handler_name="Hybrid 2017.06.11.1" "C:\Users\MATYK~1\AppData\Local\Temp\iId_2_aid_4356_lang_hun_09_18_05_7510_01.ac3"
seems like there is a mapping mismatch since for ffmpeg 4365 should be stream 6:
Stream #0:6[0x1104]: Audio: ac3 (AC-3 / 0x332D4341), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), fltp, 448 kb/s
Hybrid properly matches FFmpeg id 6 to MediaInfo Audio #5.
Looking at the audio queue entry:
D:\BD-50\2D\300\300\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00004.mpls;4356;ac3;6;passthrough;448;;;48000;;hun;0;6998.783;ac3;4;5;don't change;;false;;false;10;false;;;;true;false;;;false;48000;unknown;ac-3;;false;true;false;3/2/0.1;1/1;;;;;None;;;;;;16;;;ac3;false;2;;;;;;;;;;;4356;6;false;D:\BD-50\2D\300\300\BDMV\PLAYLIST\00004.mpls;true;false;;
Problem seems to be the mapping between the tsMuxer and the ffmpeg indices,..
Seeing that all your troubles with Blu-ray support, I more and more think I should disable the Blu-ray input support for future versions. Seems to much trouble to fix all those problems. Since fixing those issues without having the source files is a pain.
=> does it work if you don't use ffmpeg but tsMuxeR in Hybrid?
Yes it does work correctly if using tsMuxer (hun selected and hun extracted)