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Full Version: Changing Video Container takes up way too much disk space?
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So i have an mkv file i want to convert to mp4, the file in question is 150GB big and i had over 250GB of free disc space on the designated harddrive, but i notice that the process crashed due to running out of disk space!. The log for the process looked like this

Current defaultOutputPath: is empty!
-> Set it under Config->Path
Finished initialization, finished after 5.457s
Filtering input files,..
Analysing 1 input files,...
Analyzing 'mm.mkv'.
Checking a/v ids with FFMpeg VideoAnalyser,...
 Analyzing mm.mkv,...
Grabbing audio ids for F:\Video Captures\OBS\mm.mkv.
-> Found the following audio ids: 0
Analyzing audio streams,...
 Analyzing audio stream with id '0'.
  Analyzing audio stream with MPlayer AudioAnalyser for id '0',...
  Grabbing audio data and delay infos,...
 Grabbing video ids,...
 -> Video ids found: 0
Analyzing video streams...
 Analyzing video stream (0).
starting auto routines for source number: 1
-> finished auto routines for source number: 1
Input is completely analysed,...
Creating job for current source
-> Creating jobs for source: (1)
-> Generating calls for: E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4
 createJobs for E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4
  creating audio subjobs,...
  creating attachment extraction subjobs
  creating video subjobs
  creating muxing subjobs
  optimizing the subJobs
-> finished creating subjobs for current source
 added new job with id 16_43_33_3110
Creating job for current source
-> Creating jobs for source: (1)
-> Generating calls for: E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4
 createJobs for E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4
  creating audio subjobs,...
  creating attachment extraction subjobs
  creating video subjobs
  creating muxing subjobs
  optimizing the subJobs
-> finished creating subjobs for current source
 added new job with id 16_44_00_8110
-> should be there after processing: E:\Hybrid\iId_1_aid_0_16_44_00_8110_01.aac
starting 16_44_00_8110_01_audio@16:44:01.623 - E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4
finished after 00:18:11.439
-> should be there after processing: E:\Hybrid\maf2_16_44_00_8110_02.264
starting 16_44_00_8110_02_video@17:02:13.242 - E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4
finished after 00:30:38.951
-> should be there after processing: E:\Video Captures\16_44_00_8110__03.mp4
starting 16_44_00_8110_03_muxing@17:32:52.399 - E:\Video Captures\maf2.mp4

Its seems that Hybrid is creating the video 3 times over?, 6_44_00_8110_01, 6_44_00_8110_02 and 6_44_00_8110_03.

is this normal behaviour??
Yes, it's normal that using Hybrid you run out of space to do what you want.

What Hybrid does when remuxing:
a. extract all raw streams
b. remux them to the target container

So what happen is your extracted raw streams are probably ~149GB and during muxing a ~150GB file is created.
So it would take at least 300 GB of free space to do the remuxing.

If you want don't have the space and your streams are already mp4 compatible use for example ffmpeg with something like:
"path to ffmpeg" -i "Path to your input file" -c copy -map 0:0 -map 0:2 "path to your output"
ffmpeg will not extract the streams and only need some temporal data so only a bit more than 150GB of free space is required during the remuxing.

-> Hybrid isn't the right to do what you want with your space restrictions.

Cu Selur