When opening *.wmv files. In aaditions, some *.wmv files in avisynth preview window I see only a few initial minutes of the file when I move the slider from the beginning of the end.
Try enabling crf decoding and another source Filter. Won't have time to look at it before the weekend.
Cu Selur
Quote:Try enabling crf decoding
Already enabled.
Quote:another source Filter
Now I enable "Libav.." - same result..
-> will probably need a if possible small samples to reproduce this on the weekend, so if you can share some send me a link

(As a workaround: try whether remuxing the files with mkvtoolnix beforehand helps)
Cu Selur
Until I look further into this:
disabling 'Config->Internals->Extraction->Direct time code (ffmpeg)' fixes the time code extraction for me.
Cu Selur
Quote:disabling 'Config->Internals->Extraction->Direct time code (ffmpeg)' fixes the time code extraction for me.
right so 'Config->
Input->Extraction->Direct time code
after that a message box
Quote:couldn't open timecode file
is not appear.
In additions, some *.wmv files in avisynth preview window I see only a few initial minutes of the file when I move the slider from the beginning of the end. still exist.
Might be source filter dependend.
Would need a sample of a source which causes this to know for sure.
Cu Selur
Opened the file here and had no problem jumping through the file using the mouse to track the slider.
(tried with FFmpegSource, LibavVideoSource and DirectShowSource)
Cu Selur
Same file: when I press "Avisynth preview", this window not appear.
Quote:Avisynth preview error: Avisynth error : LWLibavVideoSource: failed to get the video track. (E:\Temp\tempPreviewAvisynthFile22_13_13_477.avs, line 6)
Avisynth preview error: Couldn't import -1 (1):