Simply by asking for it with:
a. the willingness to test and report bugs in dev versions to which I would send you links (to be sure the mayor bugs have been found before I add a new feature to a release)
b. being able to argue why adding feature X is really a gain that isn't already been (better) covered by another filter.
by looking at DePan&Co seem to be mainly used for:
a. frame interpolation (where Interframe&Co usually provide better results)
b. deshaking which is basically covered by Stab:
function Stab (clip clp, int "range", int "dxmax", int "dymax", int "mirror") {
range = default(range, 1)
dxmax = default(dxmax, 4)
dymax = default(dymax, 4)
mirror = default(mirror, 0)
temp = clp.TemporalSoften(7,255,255,25,2)
inter = Interleave(temp.Repair(clp.TemporalSoften(1,255,255,25,2)),clp)
mdata = DePanEstimate(inter,range=range,trust=0,dxmax=dxmax,dymax=dymax)
DePan(inter,data=mdata,offset=-1, mirror=mirror )
SelectEvery(2,0) }
So I would be interested in how would Hybrid need to use DePan&Co to be useful?
May be it would be better to extend the 'Stab' script to allow more parameters.
Since I personally don't use DePan I might be overlooking some of it's options.
Simply asking for DePan&Co support won't convince me since I don't know much about the filters and would probably spend a few hours per filter for it's implementation.
Cu Selur