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Full Version: GlobalDataModel get->found no field input
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I'm using the latest version "Hybrid_2020.01.12.1" (*) on Windows

When in "Config" tab I load a Global profile I get the following message:

GlobalDataModel get->found no field input

The log of the program is the following:
This log is only intended for user information.
It should not be part of a bug/problem report!!
Current defaultOutputPath: is empty!
-> Set it under Config->Path
Current defaultTempPath: is empty!
-> Set it under Config->Path
Finished startup, finished after 5.065s
GlobalDataModel get->found no field input
Loading: C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\hybrid\profiles\global\MKV 720p NVENC CRF=28 NAAC=38 2CH.xml
Finished loading GlobalProfil C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\hybrid\profiles\global\MKV 720p NVENC CRF=28 NAAC=38 2CH.xml, after 0.035s
TheĀ defaultOutputPath and defaultTempPath are empty because I set :
-> activate Config->Path->Adjust output path to source path
-> activate Config->Path->Adjust temp path to output path
-> activate Main->Generate

(*) I have the same problem with the dev version: Hybrid_dev_2020.02.01-124558.exe
It's probably nothing to really worry about.
Meaning: it should still work.
-> I'll look into it.

Cu Selur

Ps.: send you a link to a dev version via PM which should fix the bug.
The new dev version, solved the problem.

Thanks! Smile
Can you also please send me the dev version, I am getting the same error.

Thanks a ton!
