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Full Version: defaulting audio to EN for series/multiple files
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I often grab a TV series but the main language is not my language so I want to chnage the main language on all the episodes and it takes alot of wrk to do that.

The user inteface has some controls on top left and other bottom right - so it take a load of mouse movement and clicks to load each file one by one jump over to the audo tab press + to add the audio flip back to the base tab and add job - next next next.

I am sure that there must be a way to set all this up as a default (I have passthru video and custom audio and EN chosen on the Base tab - But this no longer flows through to the audio tab so now I have to go to the auio tab - check the track language and chnage it to the default that I had set on the Base tab, then press the + to add that to the queue, check the right one has been added,  then in the top left go back to the Base tab and in the bottom right press the add job.

I can see that I can add all the series episdoes in one go - but the defaults dont automatically choose the audio language

Is there a way to set up some defaults to say I want EN audio language , EN subtitles and video passthrough -> heres 50 files - go to work - as to do that manually I would end up with a cramped wrist and a headache.

Hope u can help  Smile
Quote:Is there a way to set up some defaults to say I want EN audio language , EN subtitles and video passthrough -> heres 50 files - go to work - as to do that manually I would end up with a cramped wrist and a headache
Do all this before loading your files: (you can drag&drop them all)
  1. enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->Subtitle"
  2. enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->All subtitle - Only/add extract" and select the languages you want in the 'Choose'-DropDownBox
  3. enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->Limit audio passthrough/auto add all" and select the languages you want in the 'Choose'-DropDownBox
  4. set "Base->Processing->Audio" to "passthrough all"
  5. set "Base->Processing->Video" to "passthrough"

Note: this does only work if the input audio and subtitle stream are tagged with the audio language you want. Smile

Cu Selur
(15.05.2020, 22:18)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Is there a way to set up some defaults to say I want EN audio language , EN subtitles and video passthrough -> heres 50 files - go to work - as to do that manually I would end up with a cramped wrist and a headache
Do all this before loading your files: (you can drag&drop them all)
  1. enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->Subtitle"
  2. enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->All subtitle - Only/add extract" and select the languages you want in the 'Choose'-DropDownBox
  3. enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->Limit audio passthrough/auto add all" and select the languages you want in the 'Choose'-DropDownBox
  4. set "Base->Processing->Audio" to "passthrough all"
  5. set "Base->Processing->Video" to "passthrough"

Note: this does only work if the input audio and subtitle stream are tagged with the audio language you want. Smile

Cu Selur

Perfect - thank you muchly