Audio extraction call:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -threads 8 -i "F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_DELAY_-43ms_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_01.aac" -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 128k -ar 48000 -channel_layout stereo "F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_DELAY_-43ms_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_02.aac"
created F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_DELAY_-43ms_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_02.aac (0.438584 MB)
Video encoding call:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -loglevel fatal -noautorotate -nostdin -threads 8 -i "H:\GoPro (Media)\2020.06.28 Spin Moto East Cork\GH010053.MP4" -map 0:0 -an -sn -vf scale=out_range=pc -pix_fmt yuv420p -vsync 0 -f yuv4mpegpipe - | "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\NVEncC.exe" --y4m -i - --fps 59.940 --codec h265 --profile main --level auto --tier high --sar 1:1 --lookahead 16 --output-depth 8 --vbrhq 0 --vbr-quality 35.00 --max-bitrate 240000 --gop-len 0 --ref 3 --bframes 0 --no-b-adapt --mv-precision Q-pel --cu-max 32 --cu-min 8 --preset quality --colormatrix bt709 --cuda-schedule sync --output "F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\NVEnc(h265)_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_04.265"
created F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\NVEnc(h265)_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_04.265 (21.939 MB)
Muxing call:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\MP4Box.exe" -add "F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\NVEnc(h265)_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_04.265"#video:fps=59.940:delay=43:xps_inband:name="GoPro AVC":lang="en" -brand hvc1 -add "F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP\iId_1_aid_0_lang_en_ms_2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610_02.aac"#audio:name="GoPro AAC":lang="en" -mpeg4 -itags tool="Hybrid 2020.08.02.1" -tmp "F:\HybridVideoFolders\TEMP" -new "G:\Hybrid Test\2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610__06.mp4"
created G:\Hybrid Test\2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610__06.mp4 (22.3819 MB)
renamed G:\Hybrid Test\2020-08-16@21_29_32_4610__06.mp4 to G:\Hybrid Test\NVEnc(h265).mp4
all ran through without any errors.
I first reencoded just the video and everything worked fine, but when I added the audio the video wasn't visible any more.
-> So, yes I can reproduce the issue.
Strange thing is this also happens when using another audio encoder (like NeroAACEnc, FHG or Qaac)
Okay, it seems to be an issue with current MP4Box, using FFmpeg as muxer (Config->Output->Container settings->Mp4 Settings->FFmpeg instead of MP4Box), does seem to fix the issue.
-> Okay so as a workaround you can use FFmpeg for muxing. I also could reproduce this with another video source.
I'll look into it some more today after work and look into a proper fix. My guess is that the gpac folks (mp4box developers) broke something, so I'll try to figure out when and where they broke it and report it to them.
Cu Selur
Ps.: did have time to look into when the gpac folks broke it, but I created a issue entry in their bug tracker: