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Full Version: when i try to encode MP4, error occurs
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try to encode a MKV file(X264+PCM), to a MP4(X264+AAC), encode ASS embed into video, change PCM to 100 quality factor AAC, the error occurs.

using you send me Hybrid_dev_2021.02.27-124023.exe version

here is debug info:
No clue why this is a new thread and why you didn't post in the old thread.
Problem is that the TextSubMod was called with the long filename of the subtitle file and not the 8.3 filename.

With the last version I send you Hybrid will ask your OS for a 8.3 filename for the file.
If the OS reports a shortened file name the output would look similar to:
# Loading F:\TestClips&Co\files\Subtitles\ass subtitle\vcs 00.ass using VSFilterMod
# shortened subtitle file name to: F:\TESTCL~1\files\SUBTIT~1\ASSSUB~1\VCS00~1.ASS
clip = core.vsfm.TextSubMod(clip=clip, file="F:/TESTCL~1/files/SUBTIT~1/ASSSUB~1/VCS00~1.ASS")
First line shows the original file name
Second line shows the shortened file name
Third line uses the shortened file name with TextSubMod.
Your script looks like this:
# Loading D:\Y\(字幕备份 ass+srt+sup) 庆余年S01 Qing.Yu.Nian.S01.2019.V2.WEB-DL.1080p.AVC.LPCM.2.0.Mandarin@xixihaha - V2\ASS final - V3\01.ass using VSFilterMod
clip = core.vsfm.TextSubMod(clip=clip, file="D:/Y/(字幕备份 ass+srt+sup) 庆余年S01 Qing.Yu.Nian.S01.2019.V2.WEB-DL.1080p.AVC.LPCM.2.0.Mandarin@xixihaha - V2/ASS final - V3/01.ass")
which means your OS did not return the shortened file name for the file.

So to verify whether your OS can return a shortened file name, what happens if you call:
dir /x "D:\Y\(字幕备份 ass+srt+sup) 庆余年S01 Qing.Yu.Nian.S01.2019.V2.WEB-DL.1080p.AVC.LPCM.2.0.Mandarin@xixihaha - V2\ASS final - V3\01.ass"
inside a Windows Command Prompt?
also what happens if you open a Windows and enter:
fsutil 8dot3name query
This should report whether 8.3 file names are enabled or not.
0 = 8.3 file creation is enabled on all volumes on the system
1 = 8.3 file creation is disabled on all volumes on the system
2 = 8.3 file creation is enabled per volume on the system (default)
3 = 8.3 file creation is DISABLED on all volumes except the system volume

In case '8.3 file creation' is not enabled for the drive the subtitles are on it can't minimize the file name.
It's possible to enable To Enable 8.3 per volume, by
  • Opening an elevated (run as administrator) command prompt
  • calling
    fsutil behavior set disable8dot3 <DriveLetter>: 0
    in it.
Note that once 8.3 is enabled, this will NOT generate 8.3 file/folder names for the existing files and folders.
So you would have to create a new folder, and copy ('move' does not work) the content of the old folder to that new folder so that the OS will support 8.3 file names for the content of the folder

Cu Selur

Ps.: I just noted that there's a new version of VSFilterMod ( so replacing the VSFilterMod.dll with ne newest version might also help)
screenshot for you, do i need any tweak?
[Image: zDljD.jpg]
As a side note: One can copy&pase the content of such windows.
Also I tested the new version of the filter and for me it properly supported the file name even when I used the long name:
clip = core.vsfm.TextSubMod(clip=clip, file="F:/TestClips&Co/files/Subtitles/ass subtitle/(字幕备份 ass+srt+sup) 庆余年S01 Qing.Yu.Nian.S01.2019.V2.WEB-DL.1080p.AVC.LPCM.2.0.Mandarin@xixihaha - V2.ass")
-> so replacing the VSFilterMod.dll might fix the issue for you too

Just to let you know how the output would have looked like when 8.3 filename support was enabled for that drive:
C:\Users\Selur>dir /x "f:\TestClips&Co\files\Subtitles\ass subtitle\(字幕备份 ass+srt+sup) 庆余年S01 Qing.Yu.Nian.S01.2019.V2.WEB-DL.1080p.AVC.LPCM.2.0.Mandarin@xixihaha - V2.ass"
Datenträger in Laufwerk F: ist Stuff
Volumeseriennummer: CCD7-3F69

Verzeichnis von f:\TestClips&Co\files\Subtitles\ass subtitle

26.02.2021  14:54             1.048 (ASS_S~1.ASS (字幕备份 ass+srt+sup) 庆余年S01 Qing.Yu.Nian.S01.2019.V2.WEB-DL.1080p.AVC.LPCM.2.0.Mandarin@xixihaha - V2.ass
               1 Datei(en),          1.048 Bytes
               0 Verzeichnis(se), 1.389.350.760.448 Bytes frei
Note the "ASS_S~1.ASS" in front of the long name, that would be the 8.3 file name. Smile

Cu Selur

the ASS file is located in d:\y\........., is not in d:\ drive, but another drive, because on my PC, d:\y\ is not a folder, but a drive, since drive letters(c:\ to z:\) are all been used out, i mount new HDD as a folder under D:\ , so d:\y\ is a real HDD drive, not a folder, i don't know whether if it will affect?

and you say replacing the VSFilterMod.dll might fix the issue for you too

so what should i do? just wait your PM new version? thanks.
Quote:so what should i do? just wait your PM new version?
You could have simply replaced the dll with the newer version, but I'll send you link to a version which includes the updated dll, so you can test whether that fixes your problem. Rolleyes

Cu Selur
OK, when to send?

i'll download quickly in order to avoid deleted again.
I'll send it in ~10min, need to compile, package and upload the version first.

Cu Selur
i've already set to AAC,
[Image: ubUlP2saDY85xAE.jpg]

when i set done all the settings, and click start queue button, it displays

[Image: LVwJ78b6asdMqlj.jpg]
Look at your 'Audio-Queue', at least one of the jobs in there contains PCM audio not the aac audio.
Not a bug, but a user messing around.

Cu Selur
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