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Full Version: why i set x264 reference frame is 3, but encoded file is 4?
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why i set x264 reference frame is 3, but encoded file is 4? how to solve?

[Image: eqaM6xLrpyk8j3G.jpg]
I can reproduce this, but to me this does not look like a Hybrid bug, but a problem of MediaInfo (or x264?), since:
a. Hybrid does call x264 properly with --ref 3
b. x264s SEI data (MediaInfo reports this as 'Encoding settings' also reports 'ref=3'
might be related to:
Seems like it's related to whether b-frame pyramid is used or not.
All in all it does not look like something that could be changed in Hybrid.

Cu Selur
according to the intro,

[Image: 7NBAgOq5YdbC8wy.jpg]

so if have time, is it always good to use max reference frame 4, b-frame 16, and preset placebo, to get the best encode quality? thanks
Yes, maxing out ref-frames and b-frames and using placebo should improve compressibility.
Best encoding quality can only be archived through lossless encoding.
Ah, I think I just encountered this, too; perhaps in a different perspective/setting.

Expected output
: Slow, Ref 5
Output: Slow, Ref 4

As far as I can tell, "--ref 5" was not called because "--preset slow" supposedly has it already, according to the help popup in the presets. Is it possible that Slow has ref 4 instead? Tried manually adding the command line --ref 5, but it just eats that input, too.
Sample debug of my tinkering attached.
This depends on whether b-pyramid is used or not.
-> Not a bug in Hybrid, inconsistency between x264 and MediaInfo, nothing for me to do.

Cu Selur