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Full Version: How is the video with color rec.709 change to rec.2100?
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As a side note: Hybrid does support monitoring folders.

Assuming you:
  • set a default output path (Config->Paths->Default output path)
  • enable file name generation (Base->Generate)
  • save that with your current configuration as defaults (Config->Defaults->Save->All->Save selected)
  • configure Hybrid to close on completion of the job queue (set "Jobs->Misc->On Queue finished" to "close")
you could start Hybrid with:
Hybrid -autoAdd addAndStart "Path to your input"
which would start Hybrid, which then would analyse the input, create a job based on the saved settings, process that job and then close after completion.
This can also be done without saving the settings as defaults by using Global Profiles and extending the call by "-global PROFILE_NAME" which would be similar to what Hybrid does when setup to monitor a folder.

Cu Selur
tauri141, i guess you select settings in LUTcalc in wrong place. This is how it usually works:
[Image: xQZYDp2.jpg]
shijan, If I set the settings as you show, the image will simply darken, and if as I do, then it will be gray, as if with a gray veil (I need just that color).
[Image: left.jpg][Image: right.jpg]
shijan, I re-loaded the picture into the LUT calculator and in the pop-up window I set the correct settings to 709, after which, having set the settings as you showed, I got a gray image as I need. Thank you.
Ok, nice!
"Customisation" it is just a sort of additional "look" on top of main LUT. So it is always better and safer to use settngs in Main area of LUTCalc.
Btw. it would probably be a good idea if one of you zip-comresses the LUT and attaches it here, so others can use it too.Smile

Cu Selur
But what is the point when it just take few clicks to generate any LUT in LUTCalc. It is free online tool

FranceBB's LUTs are created in same LUTCalc tool as well.

By the way, both LUTs produce different transformation "look". So i guess there is no single "universal" transformation math from SDR to HDR and it is all more-less subjective or based on some different math for some different purposes.
[Image: PCBVHQR.jpg]
[Image: TZHOGGO.jpg]
Point is that:
a. websites go down
b. no everyone understands how to configure the calculator.

Cu Selur
There is a commercial standalone LUTCalc app ($5 or something so) for those who afraid that github site will go down Smile
LUTCalc may look complicated (and it is complicated, because it have a lot of advanced options), but in reality in most cases all you need is just select input colorspace/gamma, output color space/gamma and desired LUT resolution (x33 is usually enough for video.) The rest of settings are usually auto adjusted, so no need to touch any other. Click to "auto generate name" and save LUT.
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