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Full Version: how to convert an H265 2160P MP4 to H264 1080P MP4?
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there is an H265 2160P MP4 file, if encode directly by Hybrid, it will be an H264 2160P MP4 file, but i want to make it an H264 1080P MP4 file, is it possible by Hybrid?
Simply resize it,..
  • enable "Crop/Resize->Resize"
  • set "Crop/Resize->Picture Resize->Target resolution" to 1920x..
select the resizer you like.

Cu Selur
resize method use default option, 10 - bicubic spline?
When downsizing there is not much difference between the resizers, so it's up to you to decide which you like,..

Cu Selur
awesome. by the way, if in upsizing, say if i want to encode an H264 1080P MP4 to an H265 2160P MP4, do the same steps, Crop/Resize->Picture Resize->Target resolution" to 3840x2160, resize method use default option, 10 - bicubic spline? is the default 10 - bicubic spline option the best?
When upscaling you also want to use a Vapoursynth specific resizer depending on the content you resize.
-> Try Filtering->Vapoursynth->Resize->Resizer and check the Vapoursynth Preview.
For normal content, you would use NNEDI3.

Cu Selur
OK, thank you.