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Full Version: Batch Processing-Output Folder
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Prompted by this post on Videohelp:

  • start Hybrid

  • set default output path ("Config->Paths->Default output path")

  • set default temp path ("Config->Paths->Default temp path")

  • set "Base->Processing->Video" to "passthrough"

  • set "Base->Processing->Audio" to "passthrough"

  • enable "Config->Automation->Passthrough streams->Subtitle"

  • enable output name generation (enable "Base->Generate")

  • drag&drop all your file into Hybrid (or open them all through the file open dialog)

  • wait until Hybrid has analyzed all the files

  • add files to job queue (Base->Add to queue)

  • start job processing (Jobs->Queue->Start)

I've started using Batch processing and it looks great! I haven't used the three "Passthrough" steps as I'm processing AVIs with QTGMC.

I've noticed that the new files seem to end up in the parent directory, not the directory I set in the Default Output Path. In the attachment, the files are ending up in H:\Video Tapes Albums\Tape 04. How do I get the new files to go into the Output folder?

Also, I couldn't see anywhere to set "Base>Add to Queue" and "Jobs>Queue>Start". I just went ahead and hit the Go button on the Base page (the wheelbarrow man) and both files where processed OK.

Thanks again for a great program, Selur.
No debug output. -> no clue, works fine here.
(-> read sticky)
(assuming you did followed the order in the list, the default output should be set, properly and used in the queue. Personally I first set Default output&temp path and save them as defaults and usually restart Hybrid)

Will look at the debug output after work (in ~13hrs) if you provide one.

"Base>Add to Queue"
in Base Tab right next to where you can set the output. (read the sticky)

'Play'-Button in the 'Queue'-subtab ob the 'Jobs'-tab

Cu Selur