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Full Version: Another weird bug
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Heh, I've developed the habit of just inputting the last file of a batch before seeing what settings it allows me to change without waiting forever to have to re-add the whole batch with the actual settings I want.

That and the entertaining situation where you are preparing to setup a new batch after doing an old batch but forgotten to do the single file trick, change something and Hybrid will bitch at you with a popup complaining along the lines of something isn't there anymore/you cant do that for EVERY file inputted in the original list and you have to click ok for EVERY file before you can do anything... Fun Times Indeed when the previous batch had 72 episodes... <Twitch>... time for some alcohol...
I think I fixed that, but ... that might have broken other stuff so be careful with the dev version I send you a link to via pm.
It might work wonderful, but might also not. Big Grin
-> let me know how it goes Wink

Cu Selur
Looks like it is multichannel false reset is fixed
Pages: 1 2