Hi! Sorry for the multitude of threads, but I'd rather keep the issues separate.
So I'm trying to use NVEnc's Bob, but the whole job crashes:
2021-08-18@21_39_58_1910_02_video crashed: ERROR: C:\Users\Alexa\AppData\Local\Temp\3. Lance Stroll Original HD Interrupts and Hits The Barrier 2021 F1 Monaco GP_2021-08-18@21_39_58_1910_02.264 was not created!
Aborting '2021-08-18@21_39_58_1910_02_video' due to: ERROR: C:\Users\Alexa\AppData\Local\Temp\3. Lance Stroll Original HD Interrupts and Hits The Barrier 2021 F1 Monaco GP_2021-08-18@21_39_58_1910_02.264 was not created!
I hope the job is created now in the debug file.
I tested NVEnc and its Bob deinterlacing in FFMpeg using this "C:\Program Files (x86)\FFmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -c:v h264_cuvid -deint 2 -i "G:\F1\DIGI Sport 4 HD - F1 Cursa Monaco 2021.07.28 20.44\3. Lance Stroll Original HD Interrupts and Hits The Barrier 2021 F1 Monaco GP.mkv" -vcodec h264_nvenc -profile:v high -preset fast -pix_fmt yuv420p -vb 20000K -bf 2 -c:a copy "3. Lance Stroll Original HD Interrupts and Hits The Barrier 2021 F1 Monaco GP.mkv" command and it works fine there.
Quote:I tested NVEnc and its Bob deinterlacing in FFMpeg using this "
Thats like saying: my car doesn't work then I took the bus and it worked, so why does my car not work.
Yeah, both might have a motor, wheels and other things in common, but they are totally different.
Your debug output ends with:
2021.08.18 - 21:08:48_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.07.18.1 - level 9: Output is matroska compatible,.. -> changing current container to mkv,..
2021.08.18 - 21:08:48_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.07.18.1 - level 9: outputDir set to(2): C:\Users\Alexa\Desktop
You changed the output thus the location of the debug output changes.
I have no clue what is so difficult in first setting the output to a location and then enable the debug output, that you can't get it right any time you post a debug output.
What the sticky says:
Quote:[*]Debug output would be helpful:
- start Hybrid
- set an default output path: Config->Paths->Default output path
(This is where the debug output will be created unless you specify an output file inside another path.
If an old HybridOutput.txt already exists in that folder delete it.)
- enable Debug output: Config->Internals->Create debug file (unless told to, do not change the debug level)
- do everything you did to create you problem
- compress (zip/7z/rar/..) the HybridDebugOutput.txt before you post it
Without a debug output I have no clue what you are doing.
-> I have no clue how I should help you.
May be using Handbranke, StaxRip, MeGui, Vidcoder or other alternative tools might be the better choice for you.
Cu Selur
(18.08.2021, 20:54)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I tested NVEnc and its Bob deinterlacing in FFMpeg using this "
Thats like saying: my car doesn't work then I took the bus and it worked, so why does my car not work.
Yeah, both might have a motor, wheels and other things in common, but they are totally different.
Your debug output ends with:
2021.08.18 - 21:08:48_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.07.18.1 - level 9: Output is matroska compatible,.. -> changing current container to mkv,..
2021.08.18 - 21:08:48_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.07.18.1 - level 9: outputDir set to(2): C:\Users\Alexa\Desktop
You changed the output thus the location of the debug output changes.
I have no clue what is so difficult in first setting the output to a location and then enable the debug output, that you can't get it right any time you post a debug output.
What the sticky says:
Quote:[*]Debug output would be helpful:
- start Hybrid
- set an default output path: Config->Paths->Default output path
(This is where the debug output will be created unless you specify an output file inside another path.
If an old HybridOutput.txt already exists in that folder delete it.)
- enable Debug output: Config->Internals->Create debug file (unless told to, do not change the debug level)
- do everything you did to create you problem
- compress (zip/7z/rar/..) the HybridDebugOutput.txt before you post it
Without a debug output I have no clue what you are doing.
-> I have no clue how I should help you.
May be using Handbranke, StaxRip, MeGui, Vidcoder or other alternative tools might be the better choice for you.
Cu Selur
Can we keep things objective?
What I wanted to express by stating NVEnc is fine in FFmpeg is that my nVidia drivers are not at fault, not to trigger you and go off-topic.
How would Handbrake help me if I need to deinterlace hundreds of GB properly? Handbrake does not support NVEnc deinterlacing and no FFmpeg GUI (that I know of) does that.
StaxRip doesn't work for me and I don't want to debug a program from A to Z, I'd rather just debug the Z.
I redid the debug output file, I hope it's fine this time.
this time debut output ends wiht:
[code]2021.08.18 - 22:03:22_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.08.18.1 - level 9: Output is matroska compatible,.. -> changing current container to mkv,..
2021.08.18 - 22:03:22_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.08.18.1 - level 9: outputDir set to(2): G:\F1[/quote]

-> useless again.
Try this:
- Start Hybrid.
- set a default output folder (Config->Paths->Default ouptut path)
- save that settings (Config->Defauls->Save->All->Save selected)
- Set an output file, inside the folder you selected before. (Base->Output file)
- enable the debug output (Config->Internals->Create debug file)
Hybrid should now create a debug output file in the output folder.
- configure Hybrid the way you want (do not change the output file or default output folder)
- create a job
- start the job
- at the end of the job processing zip and share the compressed HybridOutput.txt
-> if that does not create a proper debug output file, then I have no clue what on your system interferes with Hybrids processing, but at that point I can't help you.
Cu Selur
Ps.: StaxRip supports NVEnc as encoder and should also allow deinterlacing through it.
I think it worked this time.
2021.08.19 - 13:07:52_Windows 10 Version 1607 (64bit)_2021.08.18.1 - level 9: Job creation,..
Yup, that one is good.
Encoder aborts with:
vpp-deinterlace requires to be used with avhw reader.
So using the deinterlaced requires 'NVEnc->Hardware->Only use encoder' to be enabled.
Note, that using 'Only use encoder':
a. will disable all Avisynth/Vapoursynth/FFmpeg filtering and only the filters under 'NVEnc->Hardware' are available.
b. requires that the source can be decoded through NVEnc
Cu Selur
Ps.: I'll adjust Hybrid to hide the NVEnc deinterlacers if 'Only use encoder' isn't enabled for the next release.
Done that. Still won't work.
I think it's something to do with vpp-resize?
Also, that 17500 max bitrate for constant quality seems pretty low for my needs. Is there any way I can increase it?
EDIT: One more thing: the command seems to force 25 FPS, but the input source is 25i and Bob will increase that to 50 FPS. Will this be an issue?
about the crash: seems like NVEnc renamed the resizer :/ (anything aside from 'default' probably works)
Quote:One more thing: the command seems to force 25 FPS, but the input source is 25i and Bob will increase that to 50 FPS. Will this be an issue?
That's a bug.
Quote:Also, that 17500 max bitrate for constant quality seems pretty low for my needs. Is there any way I can increase it?
That's a bug too, it's should only be added for bitrate encodes. (old code I forgot to update when support for 'constant quality' encoding was added)
-> give me an hour and I'll send you a new dev version which should fix all these problems.
Cu Selur
Send you a link to dev version via pm.
Cu Selur
Works good now, however I still see one problem. The Bob deinterlacer Hybrid makes use of is lower quality than the one NVIDIA uses by default in all interlaced content.
The command I used for FFmpeg made use of that deinterlacer and it looks far better than the Bob one (see images attached).
Is it possible you can add that one too? Or maybe even replace the Bob deinterlacer completely with this default one.