Okay, I know why the crash happens.
Hybrid assumes it finds a proper version info, but got:
mkvextract -> yld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt3__14__fs10filesystem4path16__root_directoryE
mkvinfo -> yld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt3__14__fs10filesystem4path16__root_directoryE
mkvmerge -> yld: Symbol not found: __ZTINSt3__14__fs10filesystem16filesystem_error
and parsing these causes the crash.
-> replace MKVToolnix, trigger "Config->Tools->Clear all cached tool infos", trigger "Config->Tools->Tool Versions" and check whether the version is now detected properly. Assuming the version get's detected properly Hybrid shouldn't crash.
Cu Selur
Ps.: replace the whol MKVToolnix.app not just some files of it!
I can't reproduce version problem anymore

Seems problem was fixed somehow in newer versions of Hybrid
Checked this:
Deleted ~/Library/Application Support/Hybrid folder
Renamed MKVToolNix-53.0.0 to MKVToolnix.app and replace with it MKVToolnix.app inside Hybrid contents.
"Config->Tools->Clear all cached tool infos"
trigger "Config->Tools->Tool Versions"
Known Tool versions window is empty. (Guess Hybrid need one more restart here)
Checked "Config->Profiles->Auto Save defaults".
Restart Hybrid
trigger "Config->Tools->Tool Versions"
Known Tool versions window show all tools versions now, including proper MKVToolnix versions.
mkvextract: 53.0.0
mkvinfo: 53.0.0
mkvmerge: 53.0.0
No error during MKV muxing.
Also checked simpler way like this:
Deleted ~/Library/Application Support/Hybrid folder
Renamed MKVToolNix-53.0.0 to MKVToolnix.app and replace with it MKVToolnix.app inside Hybrid contents.
Checked "Config->Profiles->Auto Save defaults".
Restart Hybrid
trigger "Config->Tools->Tool Versions"
Known Tool versions window show all tools versions now, including proper MKVToolnix versions.
mkvextract: 53.0.0
mkvinfo: 53.0.0
mkvmerge: 53.0.0
No error during MKV muxing.
Quote:Deleted ~/Library/Application Support/Hybrid folder
Renamed MKVToolNix-53.0.0 to MKVToolnix.app and replace with it MKVToolnix.app inside Hybrid contents.
"Config->Tools->Clear all cached tool infos"
should be enough, the rest is unnecessary.
Quote:No error during MKV muxing.
Not sure if you are refering to LaurentS problem with the crash that happend due to a unsupported mkvtoolnix version or your problem with the character coding.
Cu Selur
Earlier few times i got same (i guess same) "error telling the mkvmerge version is unknown." when replaced with MKVToolNix.app. Error happened in any scenario when i used MKV input or output container. So from some time i start to use mkvextract, mkvinfo, mkvmerge to avoid this problem. To be honest it was long time ago, so maybe it was just my mistake and i forgot to clean up some old preferences... Anyway i always used those separate files due less size than MKVToolNix.app and have no any problems anymore.
Hi Selur,
I removed all Hybrid related files with Appcleaner, re-installed your dev version in the Applications folder, put mkvtoolnix v53 instead of v61 inside Hybrid (of course renamed it the same).
I still had the error window asking for mkvmerge version, so I pointed to the mkv files. It seems it was needed anyway.
Then I added the job to the queue.
And no crash! So, problem solved.
No I can report the initial bug I wanted to, cause it's still there.
Quote:I still had the error window asking for mkvmerge version, so I pointed to the mkv files.
What does the error say exactly?
Cu Selur
(03.09.2021, 21:05)OK, I didnt refresh this page before my last post. So I just discovered your discussion of last evening.I checked the 'tools versions'. The mkv tools are correct (v53), but I see a lot of tools with "no version info" and some with "false". I don't know if it's normal.The thing I learned and I apply it from now on :delete all Hybrid related before installing a new versionleave it in the Applications folder (I never did that)replace MKVToolnix with the 53 version (as long as I don't go to Catalina...)Config->Tools->Clear all cached tool infosThanks again Selur and Shijan for your quick answers :) Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Deleted ~/Library/Application Support/Hybrid folder
Renamed MKVToolNix-53.0.0 to MKVToolnix.app and replace with it MKVToolnix.app inside Hybrid contents.
"Config->Tools->Clear all cached tool infos"
should be enough, the rest is unnecessary.
Cu Selur
(04.09.2021, 12:33)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:I still had the error window asking for mkvmerge version, so I pointed to the mkv files.
What does the error say exactly?
Cu Selur
You know, the "cannot use mkvmerge without the info version" thing. No I solved it, I cannot/don't want to reproduce it. Unless you really need it, ask me and I'll do a re-install.
The thing is: when I changed the mkvtoolnix version, I did'nt "clear all cashed tools infos" cause I thought it would be a bad thing to do. So I had the "error" window when adding the job to the queue. Then I clicked on the three mkv tools one by one and direct to them inside the mkvtoolnix folder inside hybrid. Now I know a quicker way with the "clear all cashed..." button.
To make this clear:
Hybrid is build and tested on Mac OS X 10.16 (download section usually shows the version I used).
If you run Hybrid on an older/newer Mac OS X version is might have problems, like in your case that starting with MKVToolnix v54, Catalina was the minium supported version:
Quote:* MKVToolNix is now using the C++17 library feature "file system library"
instead of Boost's "file system" and "system" libraries. For the GNU
Compiler Collection (gcc) libstdc++ this means v8 or newer is required; for
clang's libc++ it means v7 or newer. For macOS this means that provided disk
image will only run on 10.15 "Catalina" or newer.
That said, Hybrid does, at least at the moment, not use anything that especially requires MKVToolnix v54 or up.
So one can replace the MKVToolnix.app with the v53 release.
If you do this before the first start of Hybrid, Hybrid will detect the older version.
If you do it afterwards you need to trigger "Config->Tools->Clear all cached tool infos" for Hybrid to reevaluate the tool versions.
So what happend in your case was that you used Hybrid on a system which isn't supported by the MKVToolnix version which came with Hybrid.
Hybrid then, instead of a proper version string got:
mkvextract -> yld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt3__14__fs10filesystem4path16__root_directoryE
mkvinfo -> yld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __ZNKSt3__14__fs10filesystem4path16__root_directoryE
mkvmerge -> yld: Symbol not found: __ZTINSt3__14__fs10filesystem16filesystem_error
for the versions and crashed on checking when checking the version info during job creation.
Cu Selur
Thanks for these details.
Actually I just wanted to do a ggod thing before posting my ac3 bug by downloading your last version, but I didn't check anything and downloaded it from videohelp website, which I don't know if it's the good place to do so.
When I saw the mkv version problem, I went into your app contents and find the mkvtoolnix app with the its bad logo, meaning it won't launch on my system. I then checked its version and understood immediately cause I know I can't go further than the v53 with my 10.14 macOS.
So I'm happy to learn Hybrid still works good with my old version of MKVtn.
But for information, when I did a clean install of Hybrid, I did changed the MKVtn app before launching Hybrid. I did got the same error window about the mkvmerge unknown version. So I think the "clear all cached tool infos" button is needed to press after the first launch.
I can re-do the install to be sure, if you want.
When either:
a. the version of Hybrid changed
b. the toolInfos.xml in the settings folder it deleted
Hybrid does check the versions on the next start.
Cu Selur