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Full Version: Encoding queue stops.
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Hi Selur !

Encoding queue suddenly stops. I doesnt advances to the next job.

I have nearly 10 jobs in queue,starts the first one ,finished successfully,but thats all.
The next ones status : WAITING
Manual start required to continue the jobs.
No matter whats the input.(all of them are 2X gigs BD .mkv files)

Version : 2021.07.18.1 (portable mode,run as admin)
Error msgs : Nothing...
OS : Win10 x64 - 1909 build 18363.592
Sample : cannot send. Those are 20 gigs files.

Debug-file sent via PM. (MEGA-link)

Thanks in advance !
I think my current dev version might already fix the issue.
Send you a link via PM.
Please try and let me know whether it helped.

Cu Selur
Many thanks!
Will try and report back ASAP!
Installed the Dev. version you sent me.
Jobs are recreated and it LOOKS GOOD now.