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Full Version: try to encode meet a error code
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thank you, and it finally works, but a question. i set 2pass encode mode with 8740 bitrate,
[Image: gnfD48WObIu3lN1.jpg]

but the encoded file's Nominal bit rate is 8740, bitrate is 9501, if i want the bitrate is not 9501, to be 8740, how to set in Hybrid?

[Image: f7ovh8zFKkGm6UO.jpg]
If you want an average bitrate that acctually gets archived, use a full 2pass encoding and not just the 1st pass of 2pass encoding without doing the second path.

Cu Selur
(27.10.2021, 17:12)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]send you another link

Hello, sorry to bother, but could you also send me the dev link? I had some problems with SSIMD using Mitchell, I would like to try out the up to date version and see if the problem persists.
Will send you a link,... (no clue what problem you have since ' some problems with SSIMD using Mitchell' doesn't say anything)

Cu Selur
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