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Full Version: IndexerFinished: 6,1
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I am getting an error when trying to preview my cropping in the Crop/Resize tab.    It returns an error that says:  "IndexerFinsihed: 6,1."   ( This is on a mac version of Hybrid. )  

The same settings work fine on a windows version of the same video file.    Was going to ask if this was a general error I should I go ahead and create a debug log?

Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.
Quote: Was going to ask if this was a general error I should I go ahead and create a debug log?
A debug output is always good.

Error happens when the indexer can't handle the source.
Atm. I have way to few details to reproduce this.
So no clue whether what indexer is used and how to reproduce it to figure out whether this is a problem of the source or the indexer and whether I can do anything about it.

Cu Selur