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Full Version: Indexer didn't create: ffindex
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Pages: 1 2
It is already present in "/usr/local/bin/ffmsindex"
Quote:It is already present in "/usr/local/bin/ffmsindex"
Quote:I was unable to run these commands, Terminal doies not recognise them.
when calling:
"/usr/local/bin/ffmsindex" -f -t 0 "/Volumes/Drobo/MyJobs/SEVERIN/-FUTURE/Severin- Cliff Twemlow/TARGET EVE ISLAND/SUPPLIED/Eve Island from VHS CompleteSound.avi" "/Volumes/Drobo/Hybrid/Hybrid-Temp/2022-01-17@18_45_13_6610.ffindex"
=> No clue what is wrong there.
If "/usr/local/bin/ffmsindex" exists, you should be able to call it using the given call, assuming the input file and the output folder exists,...

Cu Selur
Pages: 1 2