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Full Version: Output file is 5 kilobytes; what am I doing wrong?
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When I generate a new video file, the size is 5 kb, so I'm obviously doing something wrong. Here are my steps:
  • In Base tab, add video file
  • Check Generate box to create path and filename for eventual new video file
  • Proceed through tabs, selecting filters, etc.
  • Return to Base tab and click Add to queue button (icon of stacked rectangles with + inside)
  • Click Jobs tab
  • Press Start icon (play button shape)

What I am doing wrong?

Here is the log:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Creating job for current source
J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table.avi
Current input: J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table.avi
 -> Creating jobs for source: (1)
 -> Generating calls for: J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new.avi
  Enforcing cfr decoder output due to avi output.
  adding 5 video related calls for source: 1
  createJobs for J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new.avi
   creating attachment extraction subjobs
   creating video subjobs
   creating muxing subjobs
  Adding additional muxing calls, since ffmpeg can't handle raw H.264 video properly.
   optimizing the subJobs
 -> finished creating subjobs for current source
  added new job with id 2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410
starting 2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_03_video@15:28:16.997 - J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new.avi
2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_03_video finished after 00:00:36.956
starting 2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_04_video@15:28:53.989 - J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new.avi
2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_04_video finished after 00:00:36.788
delete C:\Users\thumper\AppData\Local\Temp\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new_2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_03.stats
delete C:\Users\thumper\AppData\Local\Temp\encodingTempSynthSkript_2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410.vpy
delete C:\Users\thumper\AppData\Local\Temp\2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410.ffindex
starting 2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_08_muxing@15:29:30.921 - J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new.avi
2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_08_muxing finished after 00:00:00.425
delete C:\Users\thumper\AppData\Local\Temp\2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_04.264
starting 2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_10_muxing@15:29:31.404 - J:\Capture folder\TDK HS 1994 to 1998\Processed\1993-02-13 recording kitchen table_new.avi
2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410_10_muxing finished after 00:00:00.136
delete C:\Users\thumper\AppData\Local\Temp\2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410__08.mkv
Job 2022-01-30@15_27_51_8410 finished!

Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.
The log you quoted starts with:
Quote:This log is only intended for user information. It should not be part of a bug/problem report!!
so it's not a surprise that it does not provide any useful information that might explain what is going on.
-> Please read the sticky and provide a debug output of what you are doing following the step described in the sticky.

My first wild guess would be that you are using "2pass - 1st pass" encoding without a second pass,....

Cu Selur