First of all, I find this project to be amazing. Searched for a QTGMC deinterlacer GUI for a long time now. Finally found it. Respect!
Version 2021.12.10.1
I am using it for deinterlacing DV video (so bottom field first), with QTGMC with the medium preset (if that is important to know). I am also using the MC temporal denoiser, but I think this is not the problem. I am using ProRes. Audio is on passthrough usually (not always).
I converted a couple of videos now, and of what I have seen, there are some repeated frames every now and then. I had a look at it in TMPGenc, and it looks like this 0-1-2-1-2-3, so the picture jumps back once.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!
edit: tried it on a different computer, same problem, even same frames concerned.
edit2: happens also with other deinterlacers in hybrid!
Quote:Any ideas how to fix this?
Sounds like the scan order flag on your source is wrong.
Overwriting it to the correct value (Filtering->(De-)Interlace/Telecine->
Deinterlace/Telecine Settigs->Overwrite input scan type to') should help.
Cu Selur
(01.03.2022, 19:04)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Any ideas how to fix this?
Sounds like the scan order flag on your source is wrong.
Overwriting it to the correct value (Filtering->(De-)Interlace/Telecine->
Deinterlace/Telecine Settigs->Overwrite input scan type to') should help.
Cu Selur
Thanks for your reply!
I tried all the input scan types, the only one that results differently is "progressive". With progressive input scan that issue does not happen (but of course the picture looks terrible).
I tried it with TMPGenc to deinterlace (double frame rate). It does not happen there. So I guess either there is something wrong with my configuration (did not change much, only necessary things), or there is some bug.
It's just a normal DV codec, directly from the camera, nothing special actually.
Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!
Got no problem with normal dv here (bob and same rate deinterlacing using QTGMC).
If you upload a small sample (which allows to reproduce the issue) somehwere and share the link I can look at it.
Cu Selur
(01.03.2022, 20:02)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Got no problem with normal dv here (bob and same rate deinterlacing using QTGMC).
If you upload a small sample (which allows to reproduce the issue) somehwere and share the link I can look at it.
Cu Selur
I recorded a video for that now, sorry that it is so stupid. AVI is ok. With mov you can see this problem:
00:32:12 (back)
00:32:14 (same as 32:10)
edit: As I'm doing that professionally, I will send you some money, if we can fix that.
i don't see the problem.
What I did:
- start Hybrid
- load the .avi
- open Vapoursynth Preview
- go to frame 800, step through the next 100 frame and see no repeated frames
Cu Selur
Ps.: to be sure we use the same versions I'll compile new dev version and send you a link in ~20min
send you the link to my current dev verison via pm
In case it's a problem with the source filter, you could try whether enabling "Filtering->Vaporusynth->Misc->Source->Prever AviSource for .avi input" does make a difference assuming you got 64bit vfw decoders for dv on your system.
Cu Selur
Ps.: have to go to bed now (have to stand up tomorrow at 4am)
Okay, since it does work with x264&co and only fails when ffmpeg based encoders are used, I would need a debug output to be able to reproduce the issue.
-> okay, I see the issue.
The expected output file isn't properly detected.
-> will look at it after work,.