In effect at the beginning of encoding is shown an error, but then the encoding start because is considered "sane".
my opinion is that if the preview window is able to show the movie, the encoder should be able to work.
In this case the Y4M header is the following:
Y4M header: YUV4MPEG2 C420p10 W1280 H712 F25:1 Ip A0:0 XLENGTH=1485
Quote:my opinion is that if the preview window is able to show the movie, the encoder should be able to work.
In general I agree and here it does work without a problem.
-> no clue, why it's not working for you, may be answering the questions I posted helps figuring out whats going on.
Quote:In this case the Y4M header is the following: Y4M header: YUV4MPEG2 C420p10 W1280 H712 F25:1 Ip A0:0 XLENGTH=1485
looks fine to me, but is that the header where the encoder complained?
Cu Selur
(28.03.2022, 18:36)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:my opinion is that if the preview window is able to show the movie, the encoder should be able to work.
In general I agree and here it does work without a problem.
-> no clue, why it's not working for you, may be answering the questions I posted helps figuring out whats going on.
Quote:In this case the Y4M header is the following: Y4M header: YUV4MPEG2 C420p10 W1280 H712 F25:1 Ip A0:0 XLENGTH=1485
looks fine to me, but is that the header where the encoder complained?
Cu Selur
yes, you can see it in light gray in the pictures above, after the sentence: Encoder started.
Quote:yes, you can see it in light gray in the pictures above, after the sentence: Encoder started.
I do not see the connection to the debug output where x264 reported:
x264 output: y4m [error]: bad sequence header magic
x264 [error]: could not open input file `-'
Which is why I asked yo:
1. You don't have Vapoursynth installed in your system (aside from the portable version Hybrid comes with), right?
2.Does calling:
"D:\Programs\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vspipe.exe" "F:\VideoTests\Test_vsDpir\encodingTempSynthSkript_2022-03-28@08_07_35_2910.vpy" - -c y4m | "D:\Programs\Hybrid\64bit\NVEncC.exe" --y4m -i - --fps 25.000 --codec h265 --profile main10 --level auto --tier high --sar 1:1 --lookahead 16 --output-depth 10 --vbrhq 0 --vbr-quality 22.00 --aq --aq-strength 1 --aq-temporal --gop-len 0 --ref 3 --nonrefp --bframes 3 --bref-mode each --mv-precision Q-pel --preset default --colorrange limited --colormatrix bt709 --cuda-schedule sync --psnr --ssim --output "F:\VideoTests\Test_vsDpir\Test_video_1m_new_2022-03-28@08_07_35_2910_02.265"
work for you?
3. What NVIDIA drivers are you using? (I'm using 512.15 here)
4. Does calling:
"D:\Programs\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vspipe.exe" --info "F:\VideoTests\Test_vsDpir\encodingTempSynthSkript_2022-03-28@08_07_35_2910.vpy"m
properly show the characteristics of the filtered clip?
Cu Selur
The vspipe shows the following output:
Width: 1280
Height: 712
Frames: 1485
FPS: 25/1 (25.000 fps)
Format Name: YUV420P10
Color Family: YUV
Alpha: No
Sample Type: Integer
Bits: 10
SubSampling W: 1
SubSampling H: 1
The encoding using the command line is also working.
I'm using NVIDIA drive 512.15.
I have also VapourSynth64Portable, but it is a portable version, no env variables, no paths, and it is installed on my PC by a lot of time, so I don't see problems on this side. I mainly used it to test the Vapoursynth scripts, but recently I figure out how to use the version of vsViewer installed with Hybrid, it is just enough to run the following command: D:\Programs\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vsViewer.exe
Quote:The encoding using the command line is also working.
okay, if the command line works then the only thing I can think of which hinders the call in Hybrid to work is some antivirus or similar software.
I mean Hybrid just calls the command line,...
Going to bed, now, won't be around tomorrow.
Cu Selur
(27.03.2022, 17:50)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]the dlls I need for GTX cards are:- cublas64_11.dll
- cublasLt64_11.dll
- cudart64_110.dll
- cudnn64_8.dll
- cudnn_cnn_infer64_8.dll
- cudnn_ops_infer64_8.dll
- cufft64_10.dll
- cufftw64_10.dll
and I thought that - nvinfer.dll
- nvinfer_plugin.dll
- nvonnxparser.dll
- nvparsers.dll
should provide TensorRT support. (Just checked, thise re the only dlls which come with TensorRT-
Cu Selur
I was finally able to get TensorRT working with vsDPIR.
First it is necessary to perform a full installation of CUDA 11.4 Developer components.
Then after having extracted the zip file of TensorRT- it is necessary to copy "lib\*dll" in "c:\program files\nvidia gpu computing toolkit\cuda\v11.4\bin"
Finally it is necessary to install via "pip" the following python modules that are available in the archive of TensorRT-
on my RTX 3060 the TensorRT version of vsDIPIR is only 5% faster than the CUDa version.
Question is: does it still work if you move the files to 'Vapoursynth\Lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi'-folder and deinstall the SDKs?
(29.03.2022, 17:55)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Question is: does it still work if you move the files to 'Vapoursynth\Lib\site-packages\onnxruntime\capi'-folder and deinstall the SDKs?
This was my first attempt, following your initial suggestion (also I noted that they were already included in the last Torch addons archive).
But it seems that this approach (that is used by torch) is not working with "onnxruntime_gpu" (I was unable to get it working till I performed the CUDA 11.4 installation).
I prepared an archive with the sample video, the script used and the debug file provided by NVEnc.
You can download it at the following link (after the download the file is deleted).
I hope that this help.
Don't know what to do with the sample.
Since I don't own a card that has tensor cores, since you say that using those tensor cores is only possible when the full SDK is installed and it can't be used in a portable setup the only conclusion for me is that I will remove support for the tensor model completely from Hybrid. (At least until I either own a card with tensor support or someone else figures out a way to make it portable.)
Cu Selur