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1: Can everyone tell to me what is the correct 4K HDR setting in this program? 

2: How can I  re-encode 4K HDR videos with x264 to 1080p?

Because the preview script window can not showing properly the colors and the final encode will be an .... not good

will be great if someone is writing down an step by step guide

Im using MacOSX

Quote:will be great if someone is writing down an step by step guide
No step-by-step but here are some pointers. May be someone else will make a video or write some step-by-step instructions.

Quote:Can everyone tell to me what is the correct 4K HDR setting in this program?
Correct HDR settings depend on the color grading parameters used for your content.
Typically you would:
  • enable x265->Signaling->General Signaling->HDR
  • disable the settings under x265->Signaling->Adjust color
  • set the settings under x265->Signaling->Video Usability Information to the requirements of your source
  • Make suer your set the x265->Base->Compatibility Restrictions

Quote:How can I re-encode 4K HDR videos with x264 to 1080p?
In general you can load the source resize the source and reencode the source.
But since you probably also want to do a HDR->SDR conversion you probably might want to wait for the next release since Hybrid (then supports ffmpegs 'tonemap' filter which will be available under Filtering->ToneMap).

Quote:Because the preview script window can not showing properly the colors and the final encode will be an .... not good
That probably happens because you are doing a HDR->SDR conversion without tone mapping.

Cu Selur
Released revision 2018.02.28.1 of Hybrid, which adds the tone mapping support.

Cu Selur

Ps.: Sadly the preview color will still be 'off' since MPlayer doesn't support the tonemap filter.
(28.01.2018, 08:35)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:will be great if someone is writing down an step by step guide
No step-by-step but here are some pointers. May be someone else will make a video or write some step-by-step instructions.

Quote:Can everyone tell to me what is the correct 4K HDR setting in this program?
Correct HDR settings depend on the color grading parameters used for your content.
Typically you would:
  • enable x265->Signaling->General Signaling->HDR
  • disable the settings under x265->Signaling->Adjust color
  • set the settings under x265->Signaling->Video Usability Information to the requirements of your source
  • Make suer your set the x265->Base->Compatibility Restrictions

Quote:How can I  re-encode 4K HDR videos with x264 to 1080p?
In general you can load the source resize the source and reencode the source.
But since you probably also want to do a HDR->SDR conversion you probably might want to wait for the next release since Hybrid (then supports ffmpegs 'tonemap' filter which will be available under Filtering->ToneMap).

Quote:Because the preview script window can not showing properly the colors and the final encode will be an .... not good
That probably happens because you are doing a HDR->SDR conversion without tone mapping.

Cu Selur

Thank You! I know it about this issues, but I thought you figured out how to solve it Smile

I have x265 CLI line for 4K HDR. Tested and working fine
I have tone mapped vapoursynth script. 
I have x264 Blu Ray compliant command line. Tested and working properly, sonic scenarist is fully approved.

My greatest sorrow I can not use these on my Mac, cuz all these stuffs are working on windows.

Only what I missing is a frame server like avisynth or vapoursynth.
I been installed the vapoursynth on to my Mac but I cannot figure out how can I use it. I can not load plugins, can not call in the totally useless for me

Maybe an stuff will be great, what can handle easily the vapoursynth for the poor users like me. 

What I mean here: I downloading the plugins and what I want to use. Whit this program I can installing in to the correct place. Then I opening the script editor, and it is already to using to create the script.

Maybe u can make it to the part of the Hybrid, or just an single .....will be awesome!!

Can you make it to the part of the Hybrid, or just in the single application?

It will be very awesome!!

Like this: but it is outdated and can not to use it.

I hope  do you understand what I talk about, because my English language knowledge base really poor,and this is shame for sorry!
Problem with Vapoursynth support is that it requires Python and one would need to compile all the plugins.
Since I currently don't own a mac (only use the mac of my mum to compile Hybrid) figuring out who to:
a. create a portable Python for Mac (if that is even possible)
b. compile all the plugins for Vapoursynth
c. combine it all into the
is currently a no-go for me.
I originally planned to add a link to the installer over from doom9 and then add stuff through Hybrid to it, but since that project stopped to be supported from the looks of it I'm at a halt atm.

Cu Selur
(28.01.2018, 13:00)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Problem with Vapoursynth support is that it requires Python and one would need to compile all the plugins.
Since I currently don't own a mac (only use the mac of my mum to compile Hybrid) figuring out who to:
a. create a portable Python for Mac (if that is even possible)
b. compile all the plugins for Vapoursynth
c. combine it all into the
is currently a no-go for me.
I originally planned to add a link to the installer over from doom9 and then add stuff through Hybrid to it, but since that project stopped to be supported from the looks of it I'm at a halt atm.

Cu Selur

Ok, one more little help.

How can I trim my source? I would like to make some test encode before I starting the full encoding
How can I load my saved Hybrid x265 setting? I can save to xml file but I don't know how to load it. THX!
Trim: Hybrid got an experimental Cut Support Option which you can enable under Config->Internals
Save: when you save the XML into the default folder Hybrid will detect them and allow to apply them.
(30.01.2018, 15:30)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Trim: Hybrid got an experimental Cut Support Option which you can enable under Config->Internals
Save: when you save the XML into the default folder Hybrid will detect them and allow to apply them.

Thank You for your helps!

I'm going to home and will try it!
I want to encode a HDR video (I have XLM Dolby vision metadata) 2 Layer Dolby vision BL + EL. I'm with a scenariorist UHD authoring and the scenariorist works with two layers. Would you be so kind as to tell me how I could do the coding. Could you help me?

Thank you