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Full Version: Is it possible to specify a model for the AI-based resizers like VSrealESRGAN?
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I'm dabbling in resizing some older 480p anime and so far being really blown away by realESRGAN and how easy Hybrid makes all this.

Is there a way to specify the model realESRGAN uses?  There's an anime-specific model: that seems like it would produce even better results.
are the models REALESRGAN uses atm. in Hybrid which are located under 'Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\Lib\site-packages\vsrealesrgan' in the file system. (with the torchAddon)
This includes the models you linked to.
Also you can use the models from through VSGAN.

Cu Selur
Is realESRGAN available in both Mac and PC versions of Hybrid? Where is it located in the interface, I'd really like to try it. Smile
RealESRGAN is only available in the Windows version if an additional torchpy-addon is added. also requires an NVIDIA GPU.
