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Full Version: Picture crop bottom does not get saved in preset
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I create a preset with [18;6;18;6] crop, like so:

[Image: 6200cb37dd07b179ed337a4bb6a7f885.png]

I save this as a preset and restart Hybrid. I then load the preset, and I see the bottom dimension has been reset to 0:

[Image: e0511cd1ccfa22fe363f2afc4235a7d7.png]

Version: Hybrid 2022.5.31.1
OS: Windows 11

Thank you  Blush
Preset = Global Preset ? ( [INFO] About profiles and saving settings,....)
Saving it in the defaults works here. (for testing I did: started Hybrid, set the crop, saved defaults, restarted Hybrid)
Okay, I can reproduce this when I save the setting in a global profile -> will look at it this evening.

Cu Selur
Send you a link to a dev version which should fix the issue.

Cu Selur
Confirming fixed, thanks!