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Full Version: Feature, add/update rife frame interpolation
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You send me 3 versions, I got the last one. Called "Hybrid_dev_2022.08.06-131623".

I don't know but this version does the same thing, activate "skip threshold" -> crash.

Uploaded HybridDebugOutput

damn forgot to replace the RIFE.dll in the installer.
-> download the file and replace it manually
I was about to answer the same thing, it occurred to me to replace the rife.dll. And now it doesn't crash. Thanks.

Seems now all, related to rifev4 is working properly, and can choose any FPS output without problems.
Hi Selur, where can I download this Rife.dll?
Hi! Doubling the thread! Can i get last dev build too ^^
sure, send you a link to my current dev version via PM.

Cu Selur
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