When processing hundreds of video/audio files with the same configuration (x255 <=100kbps / opus 6kbps), some small files activate a warning of "less than 1MB", and it is necessary to click OK manually, and this is a problem when processing many files simultaneously. Is there a way to disable this warning, a "-y" option?
Hybrid is not designed to create files that are less then 1MB since that usually is the margin the processing target calculation has and thus all size calculation will be 'off'.
So: No atm. there is no such option.
Only way would be for me to write extra code for this.
Out of curiousity: What are you creating such small files for?
Also are you using 2pass or 1pass encoding?
Cu Selur
Had some time and made a dev version which adds this (to all the video encoders).
-> send you a link via pm
Cu Selur
I'm using x265 2-pass at 100kbps, converting videos from YouTube, some videos only have a few seconds, so at 100kbps it creates a less than 1MB file, this warning appears when I select the "bitrate" option instead of the "target size". Thank you for the test build.