Assuming you are using Avisynth:
Not planning to add
FillMargins (since it's dated) or
FillBorders (which is an in-place replacement for FillMargins which should work with current Avisynth).
That said: You can simply add it yourself in a custom section.
(Or use BalanceBorders, which is probably better suited.)
Assuming you are using Vapoursynth: Not planning to add
FillBorders (Balanced Borders and EdgeFixer should work fine), but you can add it yourself in a custom section.
Cu Selur
FillBorders for Vapoursynth is also available on MacOS.
You not sharing details makes is kind of hard to help.
-> Are you using Avisynth 32bit, Avisynth 64bit or Vapoursynth?
Cu Selur
You are using 32bit Avisynth. (can be changed under "Config->Internals->Avisynth->Avisynth type")
So use 32bit FillMargins
- download Fillborders- from
- extract the FillBorders.dll inside the Release-folder into your Hybrid/32bit/avisynthPlugins/ folder
- go to the Filtering->Avisynth->Custom section and select the category before which you want to insert the FillBorders call.
- enable the section by enabling 'enable', then insert:
FillMargins(clp,left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0)
and adjust the values next to left, right, top, bottom to your needs.
- check the Avisynth Script View to see that the code was properly added. For me, it looked like this:
(I set left&co all to 100.)
# loading source: G:\TestClips&Co\files\test.avi
# color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt601, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
LWLibavVideoSource("G:\TESTCL~1\files\test.avi",cache=false,dr=true,format="YUV420P8", prefer_hw=0)
# current resolution: 640x352
# filtering
# CUSTOM SCRIPT PART - position: DeNoise - START
function CustomDeNoise(clip clp) {
FillMargins(clp,left=100, top=100, right=100, bottom=100)
return last
# CUSTOM SCRIPT PART - position: DeNoise - END
CustomDeNoise() # loading custom script content
# setting output fps to 25.000fps
# output: color sampling YV12@8, matrix: bt601, scantyp: progressive, luminance scale: limited
return last
- check the Avisynth Preview to see what you did
Cu Selur