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I found a probably small bug preventing encoding with SVT-AV1. The encoding finishes immediately after start leaving 1kb file and this log:


SVT-AV1(1pass constant quantizer) processing started...
starting 2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510_03_video@12:10:16.715 - C:\Work\Video\V220731-175513-30fps-cut.mkv
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\SvtAv1EncApp.exe" --input stdin --width 3840 --height 2160 --fps-num 30 --fps-denom 1 --input-depth 10 --profile 0 --tile-rows 0 --tile-columns 0 --progress --rc 0 --crf 18 --mbr 0 --aq-mode 2 --irefresh-type 1 --scm 0 --use-q-file --qpfile GENERATED_QP_FILE --color-primaries 9 --transfer-characteristics 16 --matrix-coefficients 10 --color-range 0 --output "C:\Work\Video\2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510_03.av1"
Svt[info]: -------------------------------------------
Svt[info]: SVT [version]: SVT-AV1 Encoder Lib v1.3.0-47-g996b619fa
Svt[info]: SVT [build]  : GCC 12.2.0 64 bit
Svt[info]: LIB Build date: Nov 26 2022 12:16:50
Svt[info]: -------------------------------------------
[SVT-Error]: No argument found for token `--progress`
Error in configuration, could not begin encoding! ...
Run C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\SvtAv1EncApp.exe --help for a list of options
2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510_03_video finished after 00:00:00.250

mkvmerge started...
starting 2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510_06_muxing@12:10:17.325 - C:\Work\Video\V220731-175513-30fps-cut.mkv
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe" --ui-language en -o "C:\Work\Video\2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510__04.mkv" --global-tags "C:\Work\Video\mkvtags_2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510__04.xml" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --track-name 0:"VideoHandle" --language 0:en --default-duration "0:30/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:1/1 --chapter-charset UTF-8 --chapters "C:\Work\Video\2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510__05.chp" --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles --timecodes 0:"C:\Work\Video\" "C:\Work\Video\2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510_03.av1"
2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510_06_muxing finished after 00:00:00.095

created C:\Work\Video\2022-12-10@12_10_15_0510__04.mkv (0.00436974 MB)
Hmm, help still shows:
--progress                   Verbosity of the output, default is 1 [0: no progress is printed, 2: aomenc style output]
      --no-progress                Do not print out progress, default is 0 [1: `--progress 0`, 0: `--progress 1`]
source: SvtAv1EncApp.exe --help
That said, I can reproduce the issue.
Will look into it.

Cu Selur
Thank you!

Also, I realized that new version of the codec was out (1.4). But I was unable to find compiled binaries and I personally can´t compile the code. Any idea where to pick binaries from the web?



BTW: Hybrid is incredibly capable, complex and useful software! I deeply respect your work!
I build them using:

-> I can add a 1.4 build to the dev version I'll sending you in a few minutes.

Cu Selur
Send you a pm, let me know whether the dev version works.

Cu Selur
Thanks you, that was really fastSmile

I am now able to encode with SVT-AV1 but minor problems remain:

1) when encoding to AV1 and muxing in mp4, the process crashed immediately

2) encoding to AV1 and muxing to mkv, I got this error. I disabled "create qp file for chapters" and the encoding runs fine!

SVT-AV1(1pass constant quantizer) processing started...
starting 2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510_03_video@14:45:09.996 - C:\Work\V220731-175513-30fps-cut.mkv
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\SvtAv1EncApp.exe" --input stdin --enable-hdr 1 --width 3840 --height 2160 --fps-num 30 --fps-denom 1 --input-depth 10 --profile 0 --tile-rows 0 --tile-columns 0 --rc 0 --crf 18 --mbr 0 --aq-mode 2 --irefresh-type 1 --scm 0 --use-q-file 1 --qpfile GENERATED_QP_FILE --color-primaries 9 --transfer-characteristics 16 --matrix-coefficients 9 --color-range 0 --output "C:\Work\2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510_03.av1"
Svt[info]: -------------------------------------------
Svt[info]: SVT [version]: SVT-AV1 Encoder Lib v1.4.0-14-g98c69b5d9
Svt[info]: SVT [build]  : GCC 12.2.0 64 bit
Svt[info]: LIB Build date: Dec  9 2022 19:53:33
Svt[info]: -------------------------------------------
Error instance 1: Could not find QP file, UseQpFile is set to 1
Error in configuration, could not begin encoding! ...
Run C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\SvtAv1EncApp.exe --help for a list of options
2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510_03_video finished after 00:00:00.320

mkvmerge started...
starting 2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510_06_muxing@14:45:10.322 - C:\Work\V220731-175513-30fps-cut.mkv
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\mkvmerge.exe" --ui-language en -o "C:\Work\2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510__04.mkv" --global-tags "C:\Work\mkvtags_2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510__04.xml" -d 0 --default-track 0:yes --track-name 0:"VideoHandle" --language 0:en --default-duration "0:30/1fps" --aspect-ratio-factor 0:1/1 --chapter-charset UTF-8 --chapters "C:\Work\2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510__05.chp" --compression -1:none --forced-track 0:yes --field-order 0:0 --no-audio --no-subtitles --timecodes 0:"C:\Work\" "C:\Work\2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510_03.av1"
2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510_06_muxing finished after 00:00:00.082

created C:\Work\2022-12-10@14_45_09_9510__04.mkv (0.00436974 MB)
I also need a debug output.
Managed to recreate the issue, looking into it. Smile
Send you a link to a new dev version, which should fix that issue.

Cu Selur
Debug info
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