Hello Selur,
I need to convert a mkv movie to mp4.
I need just a change of container.
To do that I selected "mp4" as container and "passthrough all" both for video and audio.
Unfortunately Hybrid crash when I run the task, more precisely when is adding the subtitles.
I attached the debug file.
Will look at IT in Monday, visiting parents over the Christmas .
Merry Christmas.
Cu Selur
Hello Selur!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Hello Selur!
Problem solved !
The "mkv" file, contained a EAC3 audio track, which is not supported by "mp4" container.
I added the conversion to "AAC" and now the change of container is working as expected.
Happy you found a solution, but according to the debug output the issue was with the subtitles:
FFmpeg output: E:\TVshows\Kung Fu\Kung.Fu.S01.720p\Kung.Fu.S01E15.The.Ancient.Warrior.720p_0_en.ttxt: Invalid data found when processing input
Not with the audio stream.
Cu Selur
Hello Selur,
you are right, but after having included the encoding of audio track to "AAC" also the inclusion of subtitles worked as expected.
It is strange maybe It was a side effect...
In case you still got the 'Kung.Fu.S01E15.The.Ancient.Warrior.720p_id_3_lang_en.srt' and/or the "E:\TVshows\Kung Fu\Kung.Fu.S01.720p\Kung.Fu.S01E15.The.Ancient.Warrior.720p_0_en.ttxt" subtitle files? (ideally both, but if you got the .srt I can convert it to ttxt manually.)
If you do it would be nice if you could share them, so I try to figure out what FFmpeg doesn't like about the ttxt.
Cu Selur
Got the file, thanks.
-> Seems like Hybrid switches to ffmpeg as mp4 muxer to support the eac3 audio, but ffmpeg has issues with the ttxt subtitles. => looking into it.
Cu Selur