Lately when I've been trying to convert files in batch by adding them to the Job Queue the software is rewriting over the video it has just converted, and in the end I only have the one file left as Hybrid has already written over the file after creating it.
As far as I know I am doing things the same as I had done weeks ago, so I am wondering if there might be a setting that's somehow been changed or if I'm using the Job Queue wrong.
How should I be using Job Queue?
Haven't changed job creation etc. for ages.
If you set a specific output file name, and tell Hybrid do use that name for xy files it naturally will overwrite the output. (Hybrid has some warnings for overwriting, which can be enabled through (Config->Internals->Warnings->Overwrite/Delete).
When 'Base->Generate' is enabled the output file will have the same name as the input file + some adjustments through the settings under Config->Filenames.
No debug output of the job creation, no details on what you are doing.
=> so yes, my guess is you are doing something wrong.
Quote:How should I be using Job Queue?
If you can't figure out how the job queue works, Hybrid is definitely the wrong tool for you.
Cu Selur
I have Generate set but shall check under Config/Filenames.
The reason I asked at the end about how I should be using the Job Queue was basically out of frustration and wondering where I may have gone wrong (just me thinking aloud).
I had to reinstall all my software recently and had forgot some of the settings in Hybrid. Looks like I forgot to change settings under Filenames.
It looks like what is actually happening is after Hybrid has done all the batching it is then deleting the very same files afterwards?
Quote:... the vet same files afterwards?
What files get deleted? Would need a debug output of the job creation of a scenario where Hybrid wrongly deletes stuff.
Cu Selur
When I deinterlace a number of files at once, after Hybrid has created all the new files it then deletes them all? I shall send you a debug report soon.
Doesn't happen here, so my guess it's some combination of settings.
My wild guess would be that output and temp path are the same and Hybrid tries to clear the temp, but I will need a debug output to find the cause of it.
Cu Selur
When I reinstalled Hybrid I may have forgot how some of the settings I used previously due to being all flustered with the problems I had reinstalling Windows. I am forwarding the Debug file as well so hopefully this will help?
Okay, I see that the jobs are generated, but no clue why atm.
-> looking into it.
Send you link to a dev version which hopefully fixes the issue (and doesn't create new ones

(jobs need to be recreated)
Cu Selur