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If you start vsViewer through Tools->vsViewer, copy your script into it and press F5 do you see an error?
Not sure how to do this, when I click on Tools->vsViewer it asks me to open a file?  I tried opening a text file of the script but it did nothing.
If you open vsViewer through tools it should look like this:
[Image: grafik.png]
you then remove the existing:
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core
replace it with the code from the Vapoursynth Script View and press F5
Not sure how to do that - when I click the VsViewer tab, it asks to select a file.

You should be able to start vsViewer through Tools->vsViewer, then it might complain about not finding the last file that was openend with vsViewer, but after that it should show the above view,..
Same should happen if you open C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vsViewer.exe by double clicking on it,...
I'm not getting vsViewer to launch though Tools. I'm clicking the box to the right of the vsTools path.
That is wrong. Smile
Quote:If you start vsViewer through Tools->vsViewer, copy your script into it and press F5 do you see an error?
Pasting the script into vsViewer causes it to crash.
Just the pasting? No error message?
It crashes with no error. I tried a script with QTGMC set to fast without EZdenoise selected and it previews with no problem, so it is somethinhg to do with selecting EZdenoise that is causing the problem.
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