Is there a way to reverse the input scan? While de-interlaceing, by accident I checked progressive on interlaced material and now it is seen as a progressive but the quality seems interlaced.
Unfortunatelly, I have no the original material. Cheers.
If you encoded interlaced content as progressive, you hard-coded the combing artifacts, in case you resized the content vertically you even altered the combing lines.
You will probably have to sacrifice half or more of the horizontal resolution to get rid of these artifacts.
- loading your source
- enable "Crop/Resize->Base->Resize"
- enable "Filtering->Vapoursynth->Frame->Resize->Resizer" (and select NNEDI3)
- enable "Filtering->Vapoursynth->Misc->Script->Lower res. before resize"
- enable "Filtering->Vapoursynth->Misc->Script->Lower res. before resize->Only height"
- check the Vaporusynth preview
- increase the factor (default 2) until all combing is gone.
if that doesn't help create a small sample of your file, share it with me and I might be able to can suggest something else.
Cu Selur
I guess I have found a solution to the problem, I remembered that the material was interlaced "top field first", so I checked Overwrite to "top field first". The quality seems fine so far.
Nice, if the content isn't resized or filtered too much, deinterlacing might help.
-> happy that worked out.