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Full Version: Multiple profiles (default values)
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(Probably someone asked before this.. but i can't find on forum)

Right now i'm using a batch script to switch default setings of Hybrid for different outputs... (PAL VHS capture)

for example:

TV.bat is using an MP4+AAC128+deinterlace+CROP+RESIZE (and FFMPEG  instead of MP4BOX to prevend audio desync)  to make sure OLD Tvs are able to play correctly the files from an USB DRIVE
PC.bat is using MKV+AAC160+deinterlace+blackframeremoval+INPUTPAR16x15 (not saved) to be sure to obtain a clip that can be played on a PC with the correct aspect ratio and a modern container.

i made the 2 steps above on all footages .. to have 2 different copies for 2 different purposes

can be nice (just a suggestion) if "profiles" can be saved to speed up switching from one to another.
I don't get it.
Hybrid does support different kinds of profiles/configs, see: [INFO] About profiles and saving settings,....
Not totally sure I get what you are doing, but from the 'sound' of it, simply using multiple 'Global Profiles' should work.

Cu Selur
Sorry Selur.. i'm dumb. (i was renaming the appdata folder of hybrid switching between 2 different "savings")

sorry again