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Full Version: Video encoding crashes when using (DG)Denoise with DGDecNV
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Debug attached.

Using 2-pass x265, the first pass gets to about 12% before it says it is "finished", then the second pass gets to about the same point and aborts the job.

This doesn't happen with (DG)HDRtoSDR.
Quote:This doesn't happen with (DG)HDRtoSDR.
In the Debug output you are using all three:
  • core.dgdecodenv.DGSource
  • core.dghdrtosdr.DGHDRtoSD
  • core.dgdenoise.DGDenoise
Sadly there is no indication why the encoding stopped after 13448 frames on the first pass.
If you play the Vapoursynth Preview (with those setting) starting at ~13000 does it play fine?

Any virus scanner running in the background?

Cu Selur
I said that a little weird, what I meant was when only using (DG)HDRtoSDR it works fine.
I have run it again disabling (DG)HDRtoSDR, only using (DG)Denoise, and the encode still does not work as expected.
This time though it produced an output file. I will DM you the link.
Updated debug attached.

The Vapoursynth preview works at any point in the video.

When Hybrid is doing the encode with (DG)Denoise, it takes up all of my available system RAM. Is this expected behavior?
Don't know what I should do with that output.
1st pass this time ends after 13455 frames.
Which isn't far away from where it crashed before.
-> Did you try the Vapoursynth Preview? What about a virus scanner? Is the system overclocked?

Cu Selur
Quote:When Hybrid is doing the encode with (DG)Denoise, it takes up all of my available system RAM. Is this expected behavior?
Seems like a bug in DGDenoise. I can reproduce this when running dgdenoise on 4k content.
Just noticed there was a new release of the filter:
Replacing the files in Hybrid\64bit\vsfilters\DenoiseFilter\DGDenoise seems to fix the memory issue.

Cu Selur
Many blessings upon you, Selur