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I'm using Avisynth for sRestore as it's broken in Vapoursynth.

Hybrid has stopped processing at 0.05%. Any suggestions?

The debug file is too big to attach here. Link here
Can't access the debug output.
Normally, compressing and attaching the debug output should work fine.

Cu Selur

Ps.: As a side note: I would recommend switching to 64bit Avisynth,...
Compressed DeBug added. Thanks Smile
Sadly, the debug output doesn't show any error.
FFmpeg seems to process the first 58 frames and then the debug output stops.

Wild guesses:
32bit Avisynth runs out of RAM => try whether switching to 64bit and recreating the job helps.
Might be an issue with the source and the used source filter => try whether the preview works fine for the first ~100 frames.

Cu Selur
How do I switch to 64bit? I've not used Avisyth option until the past few days.

I have run the same file before with no problem, strange.

I am going from QTGMC 25i bob to 23.976 progressive. Will the problem in sRestore/Vapoursynth affect this if I go back to processing in Vapoursynth?
Quote:How do I switch to 64bit?
set "Config->Internals->Avisynth->Avisynth type" to "64bit"

Quote:I am going from QTGMC 25i bob to 23.976 progressive. Will the problem in sRestore/Vapoursynth affect this if I go back to processing in Vapoursynth?
yes, read

Cu Selur
I'm not sure why, but I'mstillĀ  seeing interlacing in the filtered preview. Any ideas?
Quote:I'm not sure why, but I'mstill seeing interlacing in the filtered preview. Any ideas?
Frame->Misc->VInverse, Frame->Misc->VInverse2, Denoise->QTGMC (input type=2 or 3) can probably help.
Other than that: no clue

Cu Selur
Another error:

Avisynth preview error: -> SeparateFields: YUV420 height must be multiple of 4 (C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Avisynth\avisynthPlugins\QTGMC.avsi, line 843) (M:\TEMP\tempPreviewAvisynthFile16_26_12_568.avs, line 48)
Seems like a user error, adjust your processing accordingly.