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Pages: 1 2
(04.09.2023, 15:33)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Which of the files:
  • FPS damaged 130806 source.mp4
  • FPS bugged 23.976fps.mpg (renamed from .avi since it was wrong)
are you having problems with?

Cu Selur

FPS bugged 23.976fps.mpg (renamed from .avi since it was wrong) === Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin converted into 4k60fps

FPS damaged 130806 source.mp4 === still trying to fix FPS Huh
try FillDuplicateFrames with a threshold of 0.002.
Thanks, where can I find this function?
Should be under Frame->Misc
Noticed a bug which caused FillDuplicateFrames to ignore the scene change setting.
Send you a link to a dev version which should fix that.

Cu Selur
(06.09.2023, 16:15)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Noticed a bug which caused FillDuplicateFrames to ignore the scene change setting.
Send you a link to a dev version which should fix that.

Cu Selur

Oh ! Thank you very much !

just =)))))))

Looks fine here,..
[Image: grafik.png]
What help is not reduced if you minimize the UI?

Cu Selur
Can't say anything about your system and the stability of Topaz software,...
Pages: 1 2