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Full Version: DetailSharpen
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This wonderful script with too strong an effect, please change the "default"
According to the code in Vapoursynth DetailSharpen the defaults are:
def DetailSharpen(clip, z=4, sstr=1.5, power=4, ldmp=1, mode=1, med=False):
Seems correct to me, so nothing to change.
You can adjust the settings Hybrid starts with, by saving Hybrid defaults the way you like them.

Cu Selur
(11.09.2023, 02:42)humanoid86 Wrote: [ -> ]This wonderful script with too strong an effect, please change the "default"

can you provide a comparison of the 2 settings where is visible that the default is too strong?
Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Sorry - too lazy to do a “test”