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Probably these new scripts are poorly optimized for Avisynth/Vapoursynth

Replace Black frames - Duplicate frames - QSVenc
Depending on your settings, those scripts can get really slow, especially if you do not adjust the default values, which are not tuned for 4k content at all.
On 4k content, those settings will probably try to replace each frame,...

Cu Selur
Usually freezes and slowdowns in processing occur due to other “filters”, these other scripts are too aggressive/active, they always connect/interfere in the process where they are not needed - poor optimization

Who is this encoder/codec used from?

Staxrip uses 7.48 from Rigaya
I forgot
please include - Hardware < Detail enhance
Huh No clue, whether I find time or motivation to look into adding more stuff to QSVEnc in Hybrid.
Quote:Who is this encoder/codec used from?
Config->Tools->Tool versions shows the version, Hybrid also is using

You might want to call: QSVEncC --check-features to actually see what your hardware supports.
123.jpeg => 10bit is available if your card supports it for the codec&encoding mode, color sampling support isn't implemented atm. in Hybrid
321(1).jpeg => only the encoding modes supported by your hardware are available, 10bit is available if your card supports it for the codec&encoding mode, color sampling support isn't implemented atm. in Hybrid
112233(1).jpeg => wrong place, this option is available under Filtering in the Deinterlacing settings
detail enhance, is not supported atm. in Hybrid
=> like I wrote, you might want to check '--check-features'.

Cu Selur
(12.09.2023, 19:44)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]123.jpeg => 10bit is available if your card supports it for the codec&encoding mode, color sampling support isn't implemented atm. in Hybrid
321(1).jpeg => only the encoding modes supported by your hardware are available, 10bit is available if your card supports it for the codec&encoding mode, color sampling support isn't implemented atm. in Hybrid
112233(1).jpeg => wrong place, this option is available under Filtering in the Deinterlacing settings
detail enhance, is not supported atm. in Hybrid
=> like I wrote, you might want to check '--check-features'.

Cu Selur

Big Grin I used all these functions except YUV 444

Big Grin  I won’t “test” this option that you just gave me

for NVenc and QSvenc I will use StaxRip
for MPEG-2/4 I will use HandBrake
Big Grin I am sure
You have a CPU from Intel and an I-GPU 770

I don't know from what generation...

NVenc/QSvenc H.264 supports 8-bit abandoned 10-bit.

NVenc/QSvenc H.265 supports 8/10-bit
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