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Full Version: Bug when load multiple different files
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When I open multiple different files

[Image: 386b721f53e5f3b58dbea4291ee47209.jpeg]

and then press "Add to queue" - see in the "Jobs" tab

[Image: dca06a6a2c08aaba8dc768a68590f9d5.jpeg]

When I try in the "Base" change "Source" from 1 to 2 - switches himself again to 1
Will look at it this evening when I'm home from work.
Seems like the source count if off by one for some reason.
-> will try to reproduce here
Hmm,.. can't reproduce this here, seems to be related to the order you do stuff.
I tried to reproduce it this way:
  • Started Hybrid (only difference from the defaults is that the paths under Config->Paths are set)
  • 'Base->Processing->Audio' to 'auto add (all)'
  • enabled 'Audio->Base->Audio Encoding Options'
  • set 'Audio->Base->Audio Encoding Options->Audio format' to 'ac3' with 384 bitrate
  • loaded two sources via drag&drop
  • switchted to source 2 (worked fine)
  • switchted to source 1 (worked fine)
  • enabled 'Base->Generate'
  • generated the jobs and checked them
-> everything looked fine.

Need to know exactly what you do to reproduce this.

Cu Selur
This bug is my installed dev version 2018.03.15.1. Now I install last dev version 2018.03.20.1 - this bug does not exist!
Selur, please after eliminating some bugs, immediately put the final version on the site for download. dev version may have additional bugs.
Waiting for some feedback from users for some open bugs.
+ it takes me quite some time to compile all versions and update all tools.

Cu Selur

Ps.: the but probably also doesn't exist in the current public release, downside of dev version is that they always can contain errors I added by changing stuff and didn't have the time to test. Smile