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Thanks for the great software
I am still abit confused about field order
If content is flagged as progressive because of lossless codecs we have to tick overwrite then select filed order manually that I do but it also has another field order  section where should that be set 0 bottom field or 1 top field or -1 leave as source?
My content de-interlaces fine but the final file has jagged edges on motion, could this be wrong filed order? Or is the capture really progressive as flagged by mediainfo in Hybrid.
I have not been able to fix this
I colour correct in editor export upper field first lossless. What am I doing wrong please help Selur?Please, read the 'Infos needed to fix&reproduce bugs,..'-sticky before you post about a problem.
If the field order of the source is wrong of the source has no field order flag (this is not inherent to lossless encoding), then you should use 'Overwrite input scan type to", to let Hybrid know what the correct scan order is for your source.
You normally should not need to change any other scan order related settings.

Read [INFO] Interlacing patterns for a basic understanding on how to figure out what the correct field order is.

Like written in the link above, if your source is progressive and progressively flagged, if you open the Vapoursynth Preview and navigate through your source you should not see any combing artifacts.

Jagged edges can happen, if:
a. your source not interlaced (put progressive or telecined)
b. the deinterlacing settings are not correct for your source, sometimes they need adjustment.
c. there is a problem with the source
d. the deinterlacer can't properly deinterlace everything

=> figure out if your source is interlaced, telecine, field-shifted, mixed or something similar.
If the source is not interlaced, but something else, don't blindly deinterlace.
If it's interlaced, try tweaking the deinterlacing settings.
If that is not enough, try cleaning up after the deinterlacer by using:
a. QTGMC in the Denoise-tab its main purpose is to handle bad deinterlaced content
b. try using Vinverse/Vinverse2 to remove issues
c. try using an anti-aliang filter.

No clue what you are doing or what you are doing wrong.
I would need a short sample, with horizontal movement, of the content you try to convert to look at it and to give specific advice.

Cu Selur
(18.10.2023, 18:36)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]If the field order of the source is wrong of the source has no field order flag (this is not inherent to lossless encoding), then you should use 'Overwrite input scan type to", to let Hybrid know what the correct scan order is for your source.
You normally should not need to change any other scan order related settings.

Read [INFO] Interlacing patterns for a basic understanding on how to figure out what the correct field order is.

Like written in the link above, if your source is progressive and progressively flagged, if you open the Vapoursynth Preview and navigate through your source you should not see any combing artifacts.

Jagged edges can happen, if:
a. your source not interlaced (put progressive or telecined)
b. the deinterlacing settings are not correct for your source, sometimes they need adjustment.
c. there is a problem with the source
d. the deinterlacer can't properly deinterlace everything

=> figure out if your source is interlaced, telecine, field-shifted, mixed or something similar.
If the source is not interlaced, but something else, don't blindly deinterlace.
If it's interlaced, try tweaking the deinterlacing settings.
If that is not enough, try cleaning up after the deinterlacer by using:
a. QTGMC in the Denoise-tab its main purpose is to handle bad deinterlaced content
b. try using Vinverse/Vinverse2 to remove issues
c. try using an anti-aliang filter.

No clue what you are doing or what you are doing wrong.
I would need a short sample, with horizontal movement, of the content you try to convert to look at it and to give specific advice.

Cu Selur
Thank you so much for the help.
I will read that link over the weekend and have another go at it.

I'm capturing VHS and VHS is always interlaced that's my understanding a frame has 2 fields top field and bottom field that's why im assuming its interlaced.

My source is PAL captured 720x576 AR @ 25FPS and it says that in Hybrid media info panel.
I tried progressive too but that did not do anything it kept the interlacing as it is

 It's difficult to explain the issue I'll see if I can add a screen when I'm on the pc. It like ghosting on fast scenes jagged lines edges coming up in between on fast movement, on slow movement its not noticeable.

My capture goes like this
virtuldub Huffyuv or lagrith lossless compression
720x576 @25 fps colourspace YUV2 4:2:2 chroma sub-sampling.

Capture losslessly then clean up in Magix Studio export the file 730x576 (upper field first ) because VHS is upper field first then I import it into hybird.

De-interlacing tap overwrite filled order to upper field first I've tried field order 0 and -1 and 1
Bob de-interlacing (to double frame rate from 25 fps to 50 fps to give it a smoother feel.
Resize it to 1920x1080 bicubic filter
Audio auto pass all (first)
Set file name and encode.

But whenever I de-interace in virtualdub
I never get the jagged line I choose
Yadiff (bulit into virtuldub) blend fields
Top field first (double frame rate)
then export as lossless then work on it in magix editor export it has .h264
The yadiff de-interlacing in virtuldub is low quality hybird gives us the option to use avisynth without scripting that's what I use it for that is the best thing about it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me.
No clue what Magix Studio does to your source.
Ideally you share:
a. a short clip from your source (which later show your issues)
b. the same short clip how you would feed it to Hybrid

Cu Selur

Ps.: on my way to bed now Smile
(18.10.2023, 20:59)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]No clue what Magix Studio does to your source.
Ideally you share:
a. a short clip from your source (which later show your issues)
b. the same short clip how you would feed it to Hybrid

Cu Selur

Ps.: on my way to bed now Smile

Thanks for the reply 
Thanks for what you do.
I have found that by using huffyuv codec hybrid media info idenitifes the field order but I'm not sure if it identifies it correctly.

It's showing two of my raw captures (without going through Magix Studio) captured in virtualdub (losslessly) straight into hybird and it shows field order as bottom field find now the question is can a VHS capture be bottom field first? Most online web forums suggest that VHS  capture is always top field first? Is media info giving hybrid the wrong info?

Can VHS captures be bottom field or does each situation depend on the capture card used.

I need to learn how to export interlaced from moviestudio. I only have small issues left which are down to my own incompetence no fault of any software.

Thanks for the great software and the help 👍
Yes, caputing hardware&co can change the field order.
Also HuffYUV is usually signaled as bff (also Hybrid guesses the field order if no field order data is given).
-> read [INFO] Interlacing patterns and test what your content is

Cu Selur