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Full Version: [Feature Request] Add support for BestSource
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(22.10.2023, 10:07)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Ps.: Yes, stuff like interlaced or mixed vfr content is simply 'evil' and in my mind a production mistake

I do agree with you, but unfortunately, it could happen the need to encode damaged videos or videos with audio sync problems once they are encoded, especially in the case Hybrid is used for Video Restoration of old movies. In this case I'm using Handbrake to produced a h264 CFR video with low compression and then I use Hybrid for Video Restoration.
btw. bestsource "is still in the extremely experimental phase"

Cu Selur
It seems that the substitution of FFMS2 with BestSource is that the latter: it is at least correct unlike FFMS2
The good news it that: FFMS2 should improve the correct way soon.
For the moment I will continue to use as default source reader LSmashSource.
Hello Selur,

  thanks for having added support to BestSource.
  In the case it could be useful.
  I attached a sample that fails to play properly with LSmashSource, with the script

clip = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(source="sample_001.mp4", format="YUV420P8", stream_index=0, cache=0, fpsnum=25, prefer_hw=0)

  while using this script

Code:'sample_001.mp4', cachemode=0)

  it play perfectly with BestSource. Smile

  Do you know if using the option cachemode=0  will affect in some way the output quality/speed of BestSource ?

Quote:Do you know if using the option cachemode=0 will affect in some way the output quality/speed of BestSource ?
With cachemode=0, more ram will be used and loading of the source will be a bit slower since the cache will only be hold in ram, not on the disk.
Processing might be a bit faster, but it should have no impact on quality unless you have ram issues.

Cu Selur
how i can enable bestsource?
Quote:how i can enable bestsource?
"Filtering->Vapoursynth->Misc->Source->Prefer BestSource"
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