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Full Version: Dev version keeps crashing on video step
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Correct, I do have the Vapoursynth window closed when encoding with the addon.

I just encoded an interlaced clip using V-synth/QTGMC to deinterlace and it worked. No crashing.
Does calling:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vspipe.exe"  "E:\Hybrid -debug logs\Temp\encodingTempSynthSkript_2023-11-10@21_12_19_0810_0.vpy" -p -c y4m NUL
work? (you can abort it, as soon as it shows any progress)

Does calling:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vspipe.exe"  "E:\Hybrid -debug logs\Temp\encodingTempSynthSkript_2023-11-10@21_12_19_0810_0.vpy" -g full

Does it work if you don't use TRT ?
What gpu driver version are you using?

Cu Selur
(11.11.2023, 06:43)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Does calling:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vspipe.exe"  "E:\Hybrid -debug logs\Temp\encodingTempSynthSkript_2023-11-10@21_12_19_0810_0.vpy" -p -c y4m NUL
work? (you can abort it, as soon as it shows any progress)

Does calling:
"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\Vapoursynth\vspipe.exe"  "E:\Hybrid -debug logs\Temp\encodingTempSynthSkript_2023-11-10@21_12_19_0810_0.vpy" -g full

Does it work if you don't use TRT ?
What gpu driver version are you using?

Cu Selur

Calling those directories seems to be working.

Current Driver: NVIDIA Studio Driver 537.58

unchecking TRT allowed the job to not crash.

I updated my driver to Studio Driver 546.01 to see if I could create a file with TRT checked this time. And... it worked. Can't believe I made such a rookie mistake as not updating my driver. I could have sworn I updated it. Apparently not. Oof!

Thank you for bearing with me, Selur! I appreciate it a lot!
Happy that is resolved. Smile

Cu Selur
Pages: 1 2