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Full Version: MacOS version of Hybrid 2023.12.02.1
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Is the Hybrid 2023.12.02.1 available for macOS ?
short: No.
What hinders me from releasing a Mac version
  • got no Mac (and gave up on developing in a VM; can't test anything gpu related without proper gpu support)
  • nobody builds all the tools
  • nobody builds all the Vapoursynth filters (l33tmeatwad, provides some for Intel Macs)
Understood. Thanks.
Is there an older Mac version still available? (old versions) has older Hybrid versions.

Cu Selur
Still using 20200817.1 on an M1 MBP successfully.  Current version of Rosetta handling it.  I have used Hybrid for years and there isn't anything else with quite its capabilities.  Thanks.

Whoops! I forgot to indicate that I am running Sonoma 14.3.1 (23D60)