Quote:Never encountered txt,srt.. based subs... in any form, size or scent in my huge dvd/bd library ..
Like I wrote, cc (EIA-608) subtitles are not so common on DVDs
Big studios often do not add CC user data subtitles since it is an extra, not mandatory step.
You can read the standard if you don't believe me. If you want to better understand DVD related stuff without reading the standard, 'DVD Demystified' (<- the book) is a good read.
Cu Selur
(29.12.2023, 16:18)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Never encountered txt,srt.. based subs... in any form, size or scent in my huge dvd/bd library ..
Like I wrote, cc (EIA-608) subtitles are not so common on DVDs
Big studios often do not add CC user data subtitles since it is an extra, not mandatory step.
You can read the standard if you don't believe me. If you want to better understand DVD related stuff without reading the standard, 'DVD Demystified' (<- the book) is a good read.
Cu Selur
I wouldn't be surprised if that does exist on some dvd sources..
And like you wrote, it has been done in rare cases...
Hence and again , hard to imagine to find a example in one's collection.. It's not that i NOT believe you

(29.12.2023, 14:29)ToiletDuck Wrote: [ -> ] (29.12.2023, 07:03)PizzaTime Wrote: [ -> ] (29.12.2023, 05:39)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Extraxting a .sup IS the wrong way. Hybrid will assume it's a .sup from a Blu-ray.
Extract an .srt or .ass file.
Cu Selur
Yeah, I think I'm going to try a different program and report back.
Again, have you tried → THIS
Also, like selur mentioned, its odd that your subs is identified as a ansi txt file and not as graphical images
I wonder, are the subs from a RETAIL dvd source ?
It's quite possible that the subs of your source are from an RLE format (and not a format official!) , and are graphical after all ..
I tried that exact PGCdemux version and only get .sup files.
The subs are from a retail DVD source. It was an older movie, so I bought it off of Amazon about 10 years ago. Back when Amazon was less sketchy lol.
I ended up using Subtitle Edit to extract the subtitles.
(29.12.2023, 19:01)ToiletDuck Wrote: [ -> ] (29.12.2023, 16:18)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Never encountered txt,srt.. based subs... in any form, size or scent in my huge dvd/bd library ..
Like I wrote, cc (EIA-608) subtitles are not so common on DVDs
Big studios often do not add CC user data subtitles since it is an extra, not mandatory step.
You can read the standard if you don't believe me. If you want to better understand DVD related stuff without reading the standard, 'DVD Demystified' (<- the book) is a good read.
Cu Selur
I wouldn't be surprised if that does exist on some dvd sources..
And like you wrote, it has been done in rare cases...
Hence and again , hard to imagine to find a example in one's collection.. It's not that i NOT believe you 
I mean it's possible that it could be a very rare case where they did something like that. It was bascially a B or C movie back in the day. Assuming I'm understanding correctly, is it possible that they took some old TV broadcast or VHS data and slapped it into DVD format? It was interlaced, and I think they would have still most likely used film back in 1991. I'm just shooting off theories, but I don't know.
(01.01.2024, 03:00)PizzaTime Wrote: [ -> ]tried that exact PGCdemux version and only get .sup files.
The subs are from a retail DVD source. It was an older movie, so I bought it off of Amazon about 10 years ago. Back when Amazon was less sketchy lol.
I ended up using Subtitle Edit to extract the subtitles.
The answer i like to know to my question is, what's ur main goal with the subs?
Are you trying to just move them over to another media source? Or convert it into other subtitle format ? Or both?
There are plenty sub tools avaiable, which would be in the first place subedit. Subedit would've been my other suggestion ofcourse.
Great for Batch conversions too i might add...
Also, you mentioned the extracted subtitles are in .sup form... I wonder, could you load and read it in BDsub2sup app
Wich is a neat subtitle editor too..
And then there's also DVDsubedit
And a few others " non official / announced / testkits) i have worked with in the past...
Small question:
a. those type of subtitles are valid subtitles and some older cheaper DVD productions might have used them (without using image based subtitles)
b. those subtitles can be extracted to .srt using CCExtractor (post #9)
c. one could use SubtitleCreator to vobsub. (Open the SRT file (File->Open text subtitles) followed by saving as IDX/SUB (File->Save VobSub).)
=> Where is the problem?
Quote:Also, you mentioned the extracted subtitles are in .sup form... I wonder, could you load and read it in BDsub2sup app
Won't work, those are different .sup subtitles, those are not BDSup subtitles.
Cu Selur
(05.01.2024, 05:13)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Also, you mentioned the extracted subtitles are in .sup form... I wonder, could you load and read it in BDsub2sup app
Won't work, those are different .sup subtitles, those are not BDSup subtitles.
Cu Selur
That app isn't solely for bdsups selur cmon now..
Example. When i convert dvd idx/sub to bdsups you have also *.sup files..
And i can easily go back by grabbing the same dvd 2 bd *.sup files and convert em to idx/sub again..
And it would work great on a dvd source.. res/fps aside ofcourse..
Something tells me, you meant to say it won"t work because pizza subs aren't image based ..
It"s worth mentioning this, but different revisions of BDsup2sup behave and act different using BD sups or even DVD sups..
By that i mean , for some reason and depending what your goal is, you'll succeed with older versions whereas with newer versions it will fail !?!
But you never know ... it might work in pizza's case

There are: DVD .sup Subtitles and Blu-ray HD .sup Subtitles.
Those are different formats!
The first one is used for DVD authoring software and is totally different from the PGS subtitles on Blu-rays.
No, BDSup2Sub does not support these. (I read the source code.)
Cu Selur
(05.01.2024, 14:00)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]There are: DVD .sup Subtitles and Blu-ray HD .sup Subtitles.
Those are different formats!
The first one is used for DVD authoring software and is totally different from the PGS subtitles on Blu-rays.
No, BDSup2Sub does not support these. (I read the source code.)
Cu Selur
For DVD authoring soft like... pgcEdit to name one ?
Or do you actually meant BDedit?
Anyway, so is that used for audio, title / sub menus, changing / skipping scenes, previews and ton of other things you can do in that utill ..
Not sure what you mean by that
