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Full Version: AC3 to AC3 → ffmpeg crash
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Here iam again with another audio issue  Dodgy !

This time the media file contains only 1 ac3 track, that i have to recode because of the fps conversion.
But ffmpeg is the partypooper now and throws an error in the line of "error opening input file " Dodgy !

However, input file is suitable for an EAC3 encode ..  No crashes using EAC3 as format ..  Dodgy

Crashed with latest official hybrid release..

A debug is available as attachment .
Will have a look at it after the holidays.
(24.12.2023, 15:02)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]Will have a look at it after the holidays.


Fyi: have had this before, and alway's after loading an custom global profile !
Once i reset hybrid, it's solved but then i loose all of my settings wich can be quite allot  Dodgy

Then it's related to one of the things in your profile.
Let me know If you find the problem.

Cu Selur
Had a quick look through the debug output on my mobile and could see:

"C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -threads 8 -loglevel fatal -nostdin -i "F:\Temp-\iId_3_aid_4352_lang_en_2023-12-23@23_31_41_5210_02.ac3" -ac 2 -ar 48000 -f sox -| "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\sox.exe" --multi-threaded --temp "F:\Temp-\2023-12-23@23_31_41_521002" --buffer 524288 -S -t sox - -b 32 -t sox - speed 0.96000000 | "C:\Program Files\Hybrid\64bit\ffmpeg.exe" -y -threads 8 -f sox -i - -b:a 192k -ar 48000 -channel_layout stereo -dialnorm -27 "F:\Temp-\iId_3_aid_4352_lang_en_2023-12-23@23_31_41_5210_02.ac3"
The problem is in the job generation: For some reason, the input and output file have the same name, which is wrong and causes the problem. Hybrid checks whether the output exists before executing the call, sees that the output "F:\Temp-\iId_3_aid_4352_lang_en_2023-12-23@23_31_41_5210_02.ac3" already exists and thus deletes it, which then causes the problem.

=> will try to reproduce and fix this after the holidays.

Cu Selur
From what I see, this only happens if delaycut is used.
Does this also happen if 'Fix input with delay cut' is disabled?
(delaycut doesn't work with eac3, which is the reason eac3 works)

Cu Selur
(25.12.2023, 17:04)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]From what I see, this only happens if delaycut is used.
Does this also happen if 'Fix input with delay cut' is disabled?
(delaycut doesn't work with eac3, which is the reason eac3 works)

Cu Selur

Regarding the audio..

When everything works using the base settings (sync, pitch, etc..), i don't tend to change anything about the misc settings. I leave it at defaults..
And in both cases , i didn't use delaycut by choice..  Yet for some reason, only a reset of hybrid did fix it !  Even though, and i DO WANT to emphasize that.. in both cases i did used the EXACT & GLOBAL settings from a - z (copied from other profile).. !?

=> No problem, since resetting your defaults fixed the issue, there is nothing to do.
(25.12.2023, 18:53)Selur Wrote: [ -> ]=> No problem, since resetting your defaults fixed the issue, there is nothing to do.

..wel... just one... → are profiles interchangeable between hybrid releases , i'm starting to wonder now..  Dodgy
No profiles, are not freely interchangeable.
  1. You can't use profiles from newer Hybrid version in older Hybrid versions.
  2. Sometimes I mention that Hybrid that configs should be reset&co. So if you have a profile from a version and you change to a newer version and between those versions larger model changes did happen, you can not use the models. Some changes require recreation of models.
  3. Since older models lack, newer options you always should: load an old model, make sure it still sets all the settings it should set, save the model anew and restart Hybrid.
  4. You should always read the change log, since some times the effect of options might change. Sometimes options get split, removed etc.

Cu Selur
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